⭐ Know my OTP ⭐

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Hello my lovely readers, I've returned from my little hiatus (Sorry if I left you all hanging) 

So my family and cousins have left (which ngl I miss them) and also school was being an ass and decided to cram a lot of homework onto me. 

But after all that, I'm back and to celebrate, I'm making this after seeing something like this on Wattpad somewhere.

So without further ado, let's dive into this.


Names of my OTP 

- Josuke Higashikata

- Nijimura Okuyasu



Height Difference

Josuke - 6 ft

Okuyasu - 6,1 ft

(1 inch different)



Age Difference

Josuke - 16

Okuyasu - 16



Both are Male




Josuke - Bisexual 

Okuyasu - Gay



Horny Level 

Josuke - 65%  (Apparently every Joestar is clingy/horny to there partner)

Okuyasu - 45% (Goes with the flow and gives in cause he's a good boi)



Awkwardness Level

Josuke - 35% (He's pretty dang confident, but only gets awkward when someone asks him about his relationship status or assume he's straight)

Okuyasu - 60% (Poor baby gets all awkward when people *cough* fujoshis/Josuyasu shippers *cough* ask him about his relationship with Josuke)



Jealousy Level

Josuke - 65% (will throw hands or insult that person to tears with WHOEVER flirts with HIS boyfriend) 

Okuyasu - 70% (Will most likely insult that person to tears cause Josuke is HIS Boyfriend)



Who's most likely to be the big Spoon and little Spoon?

Josuke - I can see him being more of the Little Spoon

Okuyasu - He'd be the Big Spoon 

Who lends the clothes and who borrows the clothes?

Josuke - More like steal Okuyasu's shirts and hoodies whenever he comes over or sleeps over and never give it back until he has to claw it out of your hands. 

Okuyasu - Lets Josuke 'steal' his clothes because because he secretly finds it adorable. 

Who uses Petnames and who doesn't?

Josuke - He's the one to call Okuyasu pet names (Baby, Sugar Pie, Honey,  Cupcake)

Okuyasu - He'd just get all flustered with all the cliché pet name Josuke uses. His only petname to Josuke is Bro.

Who's more introverted/extroverted?

Josuke - 100% Extrovert (the guy parades himself everywhere *cough* like joseph before  *cough*)

Okuyasu - He's Extroverted but a little introverted at the same time (When he's around his close friends, family , and his lover, he's more extroverted, but with everyone else, he's a little more calm and a little shy)

Who shows more affection through words and who shows it more through actions?

Josuke - He tends to do both 

Okuyasu - He's more of the affection through actions but also shows affection through words.

Who confesses first and who waits for the other to confess?

Josuke - He'd be pining Okuyasu 

Okuyasu - Like Josuke, he'd be pining him

(both would continue doing this till one or the other breaks and FINALLY confesses)

Who screams about the bugs and who squashes them with a shoe/buy swatter?

Both are afraid of bugs (these dorks) and would use there stands to try and get rid of the bug/s for them. 

Who drives the car and who can't drive for shit?

Both can Drive lol

Who makes dinner and who can't cook for shit?

Josuke - Can cook basic foods like Ramen but nothing to intense. 

Okuyasu - The guy is a wanna be Tonio (but seriously his cooking is *chefs kiss*)

Who loves PDA and who hates PDA?

Josuke - LOVES PDA and will make sure EVERYONE knows he's Dating Okuyasu.

Okuyasu - Like some PDA like holding hands and small smooches on the lips but nothing too intense. 

Who's more overprotective and who's more chill going?

Both are hella overprotective over each other because of course there the homophobics, there's the school girls/thots who want Josuke to themselves, then there's Rohan who's just a little bitch who secretly simps for Jotaro even though he's enaged with Kakyoin. 

Who has more relationship experience and who has NO relationship experience?

Josuke - Unless you count watching Soap Operas and cliché romance movies some type of relationship experience, other than that, he has nothing. 

Okuyasu - Zero Relationship Experience 

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