💜 Spicy~ 💙

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"Dude, this is why I love you."

Josuke's heart jumped to his throat before he realized that the sentiment was only meant to be friendly and refer to the pixelated boss they had just defeated. He stopped himself from choking by gripping the sides of the controller like it would save him from embarrassment.

"Love you too, bro." He tried to say it smoothly, but there was probably a stumble in there somewhere.

Okuyasu was oblivious to it, as he usually was, giving Josuke a grin and focusing back on their videogame. He mashed buttons and concentrated on the movements of his character as he said something about how Josuke wasn't paying attention to the game.

Josuke wasn't; he was much too busy looking elsewhere. Okuyasu's lips were pushed out slightly, and he was biting the inside of his cheek as he played the game and as a strand of his hair slipped off the top of his head and touched his forehead as softly as Josuke wanted to plant a kiss there-

Stop. Okay, this had to be going too far if Josuke was getting thoughts like these. It wasn't even his fault, it had been an accident... okay sure, it may or may not have been an accident that Josuke sort of initiated, but that wasn't important right now.

Okuyasu had long since paused the game and put his controller down by the time Josuke snapped out of his thoughts enough to hear what his friend was trying to say to him.

"Earth to Josuke, you okay bro? You look like you saw a ghost."

Josuke had to take several very deep breaths in through his nose to stop himself from thinking more about what had happened several hours ago, the thing that afterward they had agreed never to speak about again, but his breathing exercise was interrupted by his own voice betraying him.

"Nah, man, just thinking about what happened last night-" Josuke slapped his hands over his mouth, blood rushing to his ears. He never would be able to keep himself from gushing over sappy shit, would he? And he called himself someone with bravado.

"O-oh yeah," Okuyasu rubbed the back of his neck as he sat cross-legged and avoided eye contact, "me too, dude. Glad I wasn't the only one, y'know?" He was red in the face.

Damnit, Josuke, he's sitting there, blushing and looking all cute like that, and you're too embarrassed to tell him that you sorta liked kissing him before. All at once, they both seemed to remember all the details of their sleepover and turned hurriedly away from each other. Josuke faked a few coughs to avoid the heavy silence that threatened to drape over them both, but that only made him feel more flustered.

"Josuke, I know we said we wouldn't talk about it," Okuyasu had moved forward and placed a hand on Josuke's shoulder, pulling him around to face forward, "but you look like you're about to explode, bro. You can talk to me, you know I'd never judge ya."

Josuke swallowed hard, gathering his thoughts as fast as they raced through his mind. Now or never. "It just... felt good... I mean, if you wanna... do it again... or something." He forced a sheepish smile from behind his knees. It could have come out of his mouth better, and it could have sounded a little smoother without that voice crack or those stupid pauses, but he couldn't help it. He had never kissed anyone before last night when he had accidentally kissed his best friend, his bro, and here he was asking to do it again. Why the hell was he asking to do it again?

Okuyasu's cheeks were flushed, and Josuke was hastily regretting every single one of his life decisions. He was working on regretting his ability to speak when Okuyasu crawled towards him, rested one palm on the base of Josuke's jaw, and tilted his face upwards.

"Oku- whatcha doin', man?" Josuke managed to sputter, his face warm but his eyes drooping at the close proximity.

"Well, you said you wanna do it again, didn't you?"

"My mom's here-" He tried to turn his head away and stop himself from glancing at Okuyasu's mouth again, but his eyes stayed locked on Okuyasu's, his heart felt heavy in his chest, his arms like lead at his sides, and he cursed himself for even having emotions.

"Nah, bro, I heard her leave a few minutes ago, didn't ya hear her say 'bye' to us?"

Josuke did hear. He had heard distinctly; when she left, his brain had reminded him of exactly what he wanted to do but ignored it. Currently, he knew Okuyasu was only being honest and didn't understand that Josuke saying his mom was here was just a way of him trying to communicate how embarrassed he was, but oh god, he wanted this so bad. He had wanted it to happen again since last night, and it had kept him so nervous all day and wondering if Okuyasu had felt the same way.

He was acutely aware that Okuyasu was much too close to him to be having a casual conversation right now, and he heard him say something that sounded like 'are you sure,' before Josuke swallowed his nerves, licked his lips, and tipped his body forwards, eyes fluttering shut.

Their noses bumped awkwardly, and it was anything but graceful before their lips met in the middle. Josuke sighed and pressed a little more firmly into the kiss. It was already much longer than their experiment last night had been, and Okuyasu's hand had moved to Josuke's neck to cradle his head.

Josuke swore he could feel his heart pounding against his chest, threatening to break completely free. His hands were clammy and shaking at his sides, but he had no idea where to put them. He tried to focus and move his lips. He shifted his face and lightly bit Okuyasu's bottom lip like he had seen in the movies, and he felt his friend exhale slowly, another hand coming to rest on the other side of Josuke's face.

It felt so damn good. The whole thing was so warm but had Josuke shivering at the same time. Okuyasu's lips were a little chapped but soft, and the texture made the kiss feel so real and tangible and present. Josuke felt like he was going to melt. He lost himself in his thoughts, and before he knew it, he had wrapped his arms around Okuyasu and leaned forward, as close as he could.

They were both breathing heavily now, and Josuke had to pull away for a moment and relax his hands before he tore a hole in the shirt on Okuyasu's back where he had been gripping.

"Bro..." Okuyasu whispered, and the gentleness of it made Josuke want to burst. "don't stop."

Okuyasu stared straight at him and Josuke stared back and the drunken look on his face made Josuke feel so good. His chest swelled with emotion, and he felt like he was going to cry. He didn't let it happen though and swooped back down to kiss Okuyasu again and again, opening his mouth against lips and letting himself moan as rough hands slipped into his hair.

The feeling of fingertips against his scalp made Josuke gasp loudly, not even caring that his hair was probably getting all mussed and tangled now. Someone else's hands in his hair was something he didn't feel very often and probably hadn't felt since times when his mother did his pomp. Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't even let Okuyasu touch his hair, but right now it was making his thoughts all fuzzy and his fingers go numb. He touched his hands to Okuyasu's and adjusted the other's fingers into fists, silently directing him to tug on his hair, and his request was obliged, making him groan.

Josuke pushed forwards hard into the kiss, making Okuyasu fall backward as they both heard the loud slamming of the front door just down the hall.

They scrambled off each other, picking up their controllers and trying to fix their appearances before Josuke's mother peeked her head in the living room to check on them. She probably said 'hi' and, 'I hope you both are having a good time,' but all Josuke could see was her mouth moving because he could distinctly feel his heartbeat in his ears and it was very distracting.

He heard Okuyasu sigh when Tomoko left, and he looked over at his friend, who was just as red and flustered and disheveled as he was.

"We're not going to talk about this again, right?" Josuke said quietly.

"I dunno, man. Maybe."

It made Josuke take a deep breath and try to gather his thoughts. He looked over at Okuyasu, who was glancing, not at the game they were supposedly playing, but very much at Josuke, making him blush and hide his face behind his hands.

"We might have ta talk about it for a while later," Okuyasu whispered.

A smile tugged on the corner of Josuke's lips.

"Let's definitely talk later then."


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