💜 Invisable 💙

518 12 13

Mitsuri Chan~ 💗

It had been a while since they had faced off with a stand user.

Maybe that was the reason why they'd been so easy to take by surprise. It has been so peaceful lately after all. It was the reason that they had gotten so used to it; the easy days full of joking, video games and laughter.

However, the attack had been too sudden, both of them having chatted about the game that they were going to finish once they were back at Josuke's.

They had been walking on the dirt road, chuckling as they swore to defeat the boss they'd been stuck on for days. And then, all of a sudden, the guy had just jumped them out of the blue, appearing almost out of thin air, Okuyasu's eyes having widened just like Josuke's.

The next thing Josuke knew, The Hand was out and Okuyasu was on the ground, Josuke staring at his friend, who was holding his bleeding nose. He hadn't even seen what had happened to him, but the moment Josuke got Crazy Diamond out, the stand user was already gone.

Vanished, as if he hadn't even been there in the first place.

It had felt too odd to him back then, something feeling off about it, the whole attack and then the culprit bailing immediately. But it had left his mind later that afternoon, after he had helped Okuyasu back up and they finally got to play the game, Okuyasu wiping the blood off his face with the back of his hand and cursing the bastard.

Yet now, when he woke up in the middle of the night abruptly, the feeling was back with the memory of the odd attack with full force, eating his insides as he frowned.

Something wasn't right.

The soft noise of something scratching at his window made Josuke's breath hitch, and he turned his head to look towards it in the darkness.


All that he could see were the dark shadows of the trees that swayed in the wind. But, he could still hear it. The noise from outside of the window.

It made Josuke shiver, and his heart skipped a frightened beat when something slammed against the glass.

What was it?!

He couldn't see, and he was way too nervous to get up and walk towards the window. He didn't even want to do that.

It was embarrassing, being afraid like this, but he couldn't help it. The horror movies that he'd been watching with Okuyasu lately were definitely getting to him, and he had never been good with anything spooky. So instead of going to investigate the cause of the sounds, he pulled his covers over his own head as an alternative, hoping that they would cease.

And if he couldn't sleep properly the rest of the night, he blamed it on something else than the weird noises that he had heard.


The morning was a rush like any other, and Josuke woke up to his mother's yell, to the sharp knock against his room's door.

It made him groan, not wanting to get up. But he knew that he had to. Especially because Okuyasu was going to come over, like every morning since they started the tradition.

So he forced himself out of the bed and dressed himself, his eyes straying to his window as he recalled last night.

There was nothing out of the ordinary when he peered at the glass panel and out of it, just their yard and the familiar street greeting him.

Josuke sighed in relief as he made his way to the bathroom where his hair products were waiting for him.

He had half expected Okuyasu to be already downstairs waiting for him, eating his own share of breakfast that was always prepared for him, but the moment Josuke stepped into the kitchen, it was just his mom telling him that she was leaving for work now. That Okuyasu hadn't come over yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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