💜 Jolyne Visits 💙

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Jotaro looked down at his daughter as she squeezed his hand. Jotaro squatted down to look at her scared expression with worry.

"Jolyne? What's wrong?" She shifted on her feet as she looked down.

"Why do you have to go?"

"Hun, great grampa and I have to go find your Papa remember? You don't want him to get hurt do you?" She shook her head, still looking down.

"No but..."


"Gruncles are old and no fun! Why does he have to watch me?" Jotaro chuckled and stood up.

"Your Gruncle is special. Just watch." He knocked on the door. The two waited in silence as feet made their way to the door. When the door opened, Jolyne was sent into a spiral of shock. A young teen ooened the door. His pink shirt had pastel blue letters thst said 'Crazy,Noisy,Bizzare Town' printed in a cartoony text. He grinned.

"Jotaro! You're here! Okuyasu is makin' lunch. Come on in." The three walked in. Jolyne was stairing at the teen in shock. Josuke grinned at her.

"Somethin up sprocket?"

"Who ARE you!?" He laughed and Jotaro chuckled.

"Im Josuke. Im your dads uncle." She seemed even more shocked.

"YOU'RE GRUNCLE JOSUKE?!" His grin widened as he winked at the girl.

"Sure am. Come on, Okuyasu is makin grilled cheese. Your dad happened to inform us on your love for all things cheese. Can't blame ya there. Cheese is epic." She giggled as they walked into the kitchen. Another teen was cooking. Josuke rushed behind him and picked him up. The other teen screamed and swatted at Josuke with the spatula.

"Bro! Not cool!" Josuke laughed.

"Sorry bro. Hey, Jolyne and Jotatro are here. Come say hi ya hopeless dork." Okuyasu scoffed.

"Like you're one to talk. Hi Mr.Jotaro. Hi Jolyne." He smiled at the girl. She looked confused and annoyed.

"And who are you?"

"Im Josuke's boyfriend Okuyasu." The little girl tapped her chin.

"So that makes you... my Gruncle Okuyasu!" She beamed. The teens looked at eachother and Josuke shrugged.

"Sounds like it. Sorry bro. You've been bumped into my catigory now."

"Arn't I supposed to feel old now?"

"I don't." Jotaro stood.

"I'm off. I'll be back tonight Jolyne. Be good alright?" She nodded and hugged her dad.

"Find Papa and come home ok?" Jotaro smiled and nodded.

"Of course. Be good for your Gruncles ok?" He smirked at the teens. Josuke laughed while Okuyasu blushed.

"Ok Daddy! Go find Papa!" With that, Jotaro left the three. Jotaro pulled out a thing of string cheese. Joylne narrowed her eyes at the high school student.

"Daddy says I can only have one a day."

"I wont tell if you don't." He winked at her. She grinned and snatched the string cheese. Okuyasu snickered.

"If Jotaro finds out you'll be in trouble."

"I'm always in trouble when it comes to him. What else is new?" He laughed and turned on Cartoon Network. The girl sat and watched Chowder as she ate her cheese. Okuyasu sat on the other side of the girl.

"So, what do you guys wanna do later?"

"We can make a pillow fort and eat dinner in it!" Josuke grinned at his niece.

"Great idea!"

"Josuke, I'm heading off. Do you think you'll be o-." His mom walked in and laid eyes on the girl. The three minors looked over the back of the couch.

"Oh hey Mom! Jotaro dropped off Jolyne about an hour ago. I think we'll be alright. It's my turn to cook tonight right?" She faultered.

"Oh! Um...yes I think it is. Thank you Josuke. Have fun you three!" Josuke smiled as him mom left.

"So, what do you guys want to do? Now that we're alone, we can pretty much do whatever we want." Jolyne thought hard as the TV played in the back ground. She grinned and took her gruncle's by the hand.

"Let's go play freeze tag!" She ran out and let go of their hands. She pointed at them.

"And no using stands! Using a stand is cheating!" The two laughed at the little girl.

"Alright. No stands." She grinned and tagged Okuyasu.

"Gruncle Okuyasu is it!" The two laughed and ran away from the other teenager.

"Hey! What if I don't want to be it!" Even with his complaining, he grinned brightly as the two ran.

"Sorry bro! But it looks to me like you have no choice!" At that, Okuyasu took off after Josuke. The three laughed as Okuyasu chased them. After a while, Josuke was tagged. He fell to the ground as he froze.

"Jolyne! Come save me from your mean gruncle!" She giggled as she looked at Josuke. Okuyasu was on the other side of him with a grin.

"Do it and I'll tag you next Kujo." She giggled and sprinted for Josuke. Okuyasu was faster and scooped her up. She squeeled as he spun her around. Josuke laughed as he sat up. The sun had started to set.

"Alright you two, I'mm gonna go start on dinner. Why don't you two get the pillow fort made?" The two grinned and ran in the house. The pompador haired teen walked into the kitchen. After dinner, they got Jolyne in the bath and tucked into the spare bed. The two boyfriends were kissing on the couch when Joseph, Jotaro, and Kakyoin walked into the door. Josuke tilted his head back to greet the adults.

"Jolyne is in bed in the spare room. Its the one across from mine." Kakyoin rushed to the room while Jotaro leaned on the back of the couch.

"Im surprised she isn't dead." He smirked at his uncle.

"Hey! I'm a great babysitter! A few years ago I took up babysitting to help mom out, but then she got a raise so I stopped." He glanced at the old man, who looked down.

"Anyway, we had fun. We spent most of our time playing games. I think I fell to hard during freeze tag though." Okuyasu snickered as his boyfriend rubbed his hip.

"Feel old yet?" Jotaro asked his uncle.

"No, why would I?"

"You're a Great Uncle."

"A title I wear with pride you insubordanate little brat." The two laughed as Kakyoin came back carrying a sleeping Jolyne. He smiled at the group.

"Alright, let's go. Thanks for watching her Josuke." Josuke smiled at the pink haired man.

"Don't worry about it. If you ever need a babysitter when you're in town, don't be scared to ask." The adults left the two teens. When Josuke looked down, Okuyasu was dead asleep. He chuckled and resituated them so they were laying on the couch. He closed his eyes and slipped away into slumber as well.

Jotaro and Kakyoin are good father's (at least I wish they were 😔) also yes I ship them. 😜

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