💜All the things I know about You💙

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Okuyasu never really felt like he was special.

Not until that night.

"Shit shit shit, dude look out!" Josuke said with increasing panic, cursing as the boss shot a fireball their way. Josuke's character died, dropping piles of loot around him. Okuyasu scrambled, managed to survive another minute or so before he met the same fate. He tossed his controller aside as the 'Game Over' screen taunted the two boys.

"You don't wanna try again?" Josuke asked.

"Nah man, I think I'm at my limit."

Josuke laughed stretching his arms after the intense attempt. "Yeah, okay."

Okuyasu's eyes followed him with passing interest as his best friend walked across the room to grab the phone on the wall.

Josuke leaned against the wall, already pressing buttons as he spoke. "I'm starving bro, let's order a pizza."


Okuyasu shuffled across the carpet to turn off the Dreamcast and switch it over to TV. As he returned to his spot he glanced back over to Josuke.

He was absently twirling the cord as he placed the order. He caught Okuyasu's eye and made a face. "Yeah, just pepperoni and sausage- actually can you just put sausage on half of it? Yeah, thanks."

Okuyasu frowned to himself. Weird, Josuke had deviated from their usual order. He flipped through the channels, not really knowing what he was after.

Josuke flopped down onto his couch with a sigh. "Just half sausage?" Okuyasu asked to fill the space.

Josuke shrugged. "You don't like sausage."

Okuyasu look at him, brow furrowed. "What?"

"You always pick it off. Figured I'd save you the trouble."

"You remembered that?"

Josuke laughed at him. "Uh, yeah? It's not a big deal, dude. It's just a pizza."

Okuyasu knew he was right. It was a small thing, totally inconsequential. But it felt nice, knowing that he cared enough to notice. Surely, that's all it was.

He'd more or less filed the event away when Josuke knocked on his door a week later. They hadn't made plans to hang out that weekend, but Okuyasu still wasn't that surprised to see him. He liked to show up unannounced sometimes. Josuke lifted the shopping bag in his hand as a greeting. "I found this at the store and I thought you'd like it!"

Okuyasu felt his heart fill with warmth as he took the bag.

"I was just browsin' around cuz Spicer's was having a sale," he continued as Okuyasu inspected the CD's casing. "And I saw this and- You know they got those demo stations with the headphones now? And I was like, 'Oku would totally love this band', and it was like half off so- Hey, are you okay?"

Okuyasu swallowed and tried to calm the anxiety growing in his stomach. "Oh yeah, it's just...You didn't have to do that for me, you know."

Josuke's smile threatened to blind him. "Like I said, it was a steal. Don't even worry about it."

Okuyasu smiled back. He felt sick and excited all at once, but he tried to ignore it. He'd never had a friend like Josuke, one so caring and thoughtful, who paid such close attention to his tastes and opinions like this. He just wasn't used to it yet.

"So, are you gonna listen to it, or-"

"Oh! Yeah, of course!" He said, holding the door open for Josuke to come inside. He let his the other boy walk ahead of him, hoping to conceal the blush blooming on his face.

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