💜 SuperBoy 💙

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It's a typical night on the job, up until Josuke ends up lying on top of an uncomfortably handsome thief.

The dude's wearing a full-face mask, sure, but Josuke is close enough to see his eyes, and more than close enough to feel thick muscles through bulky clothes. That's plenty, at this range.

He blinks down at equally shocked brown eyes (with thick, dark lashes) for a moment before gathering himself. Turning the awkward position into a full-on pinning only takes a couple minute changes of position, and then Josuke is firmly planted atop him, arm pressed over his throat and a knee low on his stomach.

"You're not going anywhere," he says, Echoes' cacophony of noises cluttering the background of the convenience store.

Still, the handsome wannabe villain just stares.

"Not very talkative, are ya? I'm not crushin' your windpipe or anythin'...."

Slowly, the man who'd previously been trying to rob the place lifts a trembling right hand, shakily reaching for Josuke. He's moving at such a snail's pace that Josuke watches him with furrowed brows for half a moment before snatching that wrist with lightning fast reflexes and pinning it down, too.

There's a glove on this hand, with odd circular patterns on the palm. His other hand is bare, and Josuke ponders his powerset. Just now, he'd been hauled forward - and a number of items careened off of their shelves - by an invisible force that originated from this gloved right hand. It's probably not a good idea to let it touch him, he decides.

"Seriously, dude," better to trash talk instead, at least while Koichi finishes off the other guy, "I don't know what your deal is, but you're not very good at this."

It's hard to tell, what with the ski mask fabric, but Josuke thinks the robber might be frowning. Caught by a superhero - one of the Joestars, no less - and he's pouting. Just who is this guy? He's obviously new to the job, or at least the area. Josuke would remember eyes like these.

"Crazy Diamond!"

That's Echoes' voice, and Josuke hears the whine of incoming...something a moment later, throwing himself off of the bad guy and rolling over the floor. He's just in time to dodge incoming projectiles (were those miniature missiles?!), but his captive wasn't so lucky. That broad torso is bleeding, which is a shame - but also Josuke knows he's gotta get outta here quick. A fleet of tiny helicopters is hovering closer by the second, so he scrambles to his feet and darts around the corner.

"Echoes? Where are you?" This store is decidedly pint-sized, so his partner can't be that far. He ducks down another aisle, this one infested with a battalion of little tanks, bizarrely enough.

"Here, Diamond!" Koichi - or, rather, his ability - chokes out unnecessarily.

Josuke can see from here the way Koichi is dangling, held up by the throat at the hands of the other robber. He's clawing to get loose, repeated calls for Josuke echoing around the store.

"Nice outfit," Less Handsome Bad Guy sneers.

All of the tanks turn their gun barrels towards Josuke's end of the aisle, and he can hear the high-pitched drone of a half dozen mini-copters zooming their way towards the fight.

Great, Josuke thinks. He'd just wanted a snack while on patrol - he didn't count on some second rate villains holding up a local 7/11, underestimating Koichi, insulting Josuke's specially designed suit....

"Better than yours," Josuke snorts, crossing his arms. They opted for the most cliché garb from Villains R Us, and he's nitpicking clothes? Please. "Hope you're not planning on wasting all your ammo on me, 'cause you've got bigger problems."

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