💜 Stray Cat 💙

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Okuyasu pulled the blanket tighter around himself. It had gotten a lot colder in these couple of days and his house, being the way it was, still not completely repaired, was colder than usual.

He shivered a bit and made his way to the living room area where Stray Cat was sleeping on the table where its pot was. He wondered if the plant was going to be alright in the current temperature. It was half cat but also a plant. Ever since he had brought the creature into his house, he had done some research on how to care for plants. He still remembered, albeit vaguely that plants didn't do well in cold.

Okuyasu scratched the back of his head and made his way to the kitchen. He dialed the familiar number and waited.

It took only a couple of rings before a voice he knew greeted him, though his friend's voice sounded tired.

"Higashikata residence," Josuke sighed into the receiver. He had probably been doing something, played his video games, and then gotten told to answer the phone, as usual. Okuyasu snickered.

"Yo, Josuke!" Okuyasu greeted him, and the other's tone changed immediately. Okuyasu could hear the smile in his friend's voice.
"Okuyasu! What's up?"

Okuyasu grinned to himself, then shivered and pulled the blanket he was still wearing more around his neck. "Y'know, the usual. I just thought to uh, ask if you'd know what I should do?"

He felt a bit embarrassed, having to ask for Josuke's help. He knew that his friend would definitely help him out, but it still felt embarrassing.
Okuyasu worried his lower lip with his teeth when he heard Josuke humming.

"What's up, bro?" Josuke's voice was kind as usual.

"Uh, it's about Stray Cat..."

He heard Josuke groaning at the mention of the cat. He hadn't still completely warmed up to the plant-cat, not even though Okuyasu had tried to convince him that the cat was actually quite harmless and even cute. It had just been stressed out before with everything, Kira forcing it into terrible situations and feeding its stress and anger.

Josuke cleared his throat and Okuyasu started to regret pulling him into his own problems.

"It- it's fine, really, uh. I can, um, figure somethin' out myself, too," he started to backpedal before he was stopped abruptly.

"No, no! C'mon, bro, tell me. I'll listen and we'll figure something out, yeah?" Josuke's voice was a bit frantic.

"Uh, okay."


Okuyasu sighed and leaned against the nearest wall, still being mindful of the phone cord.

"It's just- I'm worried, y'know, 'cos it's gettin' colder. And-"

"It's a plant, right? Mom always nags at me not to keep the windows open too long when it gets colder because of all the plants she has on the window sills."


Okuyasu was surprised, even impressed by how fast Josuke had figured out what he was worried about. He couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Can I come over?" Josuke's question caught him off-guard and he let out a laugh.

"Why'd you even ask? Usually you just barge in here..." Okuyasu teased and heard Josuke sputtering. "Hey! I at least knock first-"

"Yeah, yeah. Permission granted," Okuyasu snickered and heard Ms. Higashikata telling Josuke to clean up after himself if he was going to go somewhere.

"Great. I'll see you soon, we'll figure something out. Promise," Josuke's tone was warm when they ended the call.

Okuyasu placed the phone back to its place and made his way back to the living room, shifting his eyes to the sleeping plant.
He blinked when he didn't feel as cold as before.

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