💜Trauma Part 2💙

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Okuyasu awoke to the sound of the phone ringing. He pulled himself away from his bed, immediately missing it. It was worth it though, there was only one person who ever called him.

"Oku?" Josuke's voice was flat and small on the other end of the receiver.

Okuyasu had kind of gotten used to the spikes of worry that would rise in his chest. He knew that Josuke was getting better, the worry only came a few times a week instead of a few times a day, and it was easier to make him laugh now. But it was still hard for him to go outside or do his homework. Some days, it was hard for him to do little things, like getting out of bed and showering. He was trying, though. Okuyasu knew that he was trying.

"You okay, dude? It's really early, did you have trouble sleeping last night? You coulda woken me up-"

"Are you busy today?"

Fuck, he sounded so tired. This was a bad day, then. "No, why?"

"Do you think you could come over? Like, right now?"

He felt his heart ache a little. "Course, I'll be there before you know it."

Tomoko smiled when she answered the door. She and Okuyasu had become pretty close through the aftermath of Kira's death. "Morning, Okuyasu! You're here early, Josuke is still in bed," She led him inside. "He uh, I don't think he's doing very well today. Last night was.....rough."

Okuyasu leaned close, speaking softly. "What happened? Is he alright? Do you need anything?"

She ruffled his hair affectionately. "You worry about us too much, dear. You're gonna have wrinkles before you're twenty five if you keep it up." She tried to look reassuring. "He'll be okay. It's just hard sometimes, you know? He's just tired."

He looked at her seriously. "And what about you?"

She sighed. "I'm a little tired, too."

"You know I'm here if you ever need anything, Miss Higashikata. You guys are like family to me."

She hesitated, unsure if she should say anything, before taking his hand and squeezing it softly. "Do you think you could try and get him to eat something today?"

He smiled gently. "I'll do my best."

As soon as he walked into Josuke's bedroom, a wave of relief washed over Josuke's face. "Thank you for coming over, bro," he said, a gentle smile forming. He shifted in his bed, making space for Okuyasu. He was more than happy to fill that space, it was stupidly early. He wrapped an arm around Josuke's waist and pulled him close.

The two of them rested in silence for what could've been minutes or hours. Josuke had told Okuyasu in the past that he just had a 'soothing vibe', that just having him around made Josuke feel a lot better. Because of that, he'd ended up in this situation with increasing frequency. It had only been a matter of weeks since Josuke had ran away from home, but so many things had changed.

Josuke was still working through a lot of things, but he was facing things instead of trying to escape them, which was an improvement in Okuyasu's opinion. He'd had one meeting with a therapist; even though he didn't want to talk about Kira, his mom had insisted that he get professional help. Things were still difficult for all of them, but Okuyasu felt confident that they were on their way to being okay again.

Josuke placed a hand atop the one around his waist, rubbing gentle circles into Okuyasu's skin before bringing the hand to his lips. And of course, there was this. The biggest change. The two of them had barely been on speaking terms when Josuke ran away, but now they were almost inseparable. Josuke was always asking him to stay. A 'come over after school', turns into a 'stay for dinner', which turns into a 'spend the night', and Okuyasu can never make himself refuse.

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