💜 No Homo 💙

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The first time, Okuyasu was over at Josuke's house playing video games as usual. Josuke had gotten up to take a shower. Okuyasu waited in his room, he flipped through some of Josuke's magazines. Josuke walked in with a towel wrapped tightly around his waist.

"I'm done dude". Josuke said as Okuyasu started at his rock hard abs. He watched as water dripped from his hair and bounced off his pecks. His eyes traveled down Josuke's happy trail, he wondered how Josuke could look so perfect.

"Wow Josuke! You look totally hot! no homo"

"Thanks Okuyasu...... weirdo..... you can get in now"

"Thanks" Okuyasu grabbed his things and started his shower.

The second time was at Okuyasu's house. Josuke brought over some dirty magazines he found recently. They both sat in his room flipping through some pages. Okuyasu watched as Josuke palmed himself.

"This is kinda hot huh?" Okuyasu asked

"Yeah totally..." Josuke sat the magazine down and started to undo his pants.

"You starting now?" Okuyasu asked

"Yeah, can't take it anymore" Josuke pulled out his cock and stroked a bit, Okuyasu couldn't help but look.

"Nice dick Josuke! No homo though" he said, hoping Josuke wouldn't hit him or kick him out.

"You're makin' it weird! Don't look at my dick!"

"Haha..... sorry!"

The third time Josuke and Okuyasu were at school. They were having lunch in their classroom. Josuke was going on and on about getting a girlfriend but not knowing if he'll be a good boyfriend.

"I dunno man, I could totally get a girl but I wouldn't know what I'm doing"

"You'll be fine Josuke"

"Let's set up a scenario, I'm on my first date with her right? Do I get her flowers? Or is that too much? Do I wear a suit? Or am i overdressed?"

"I don't got a damn clue bro"

"Ugh..... why do girls like me?"

"Well, you're gorgeous, smart, funny, you got a rockin bod, you're sweet, caring, and tough who wouldn't like you. You're so cool man"

"Think so?"

"Yup! If I were a girl I'd totally be wet for you, no homo" Josuke chuckled at Okuyasu's last statement.

"You're so weird dude, thanks"

The fourth time was during winter. It was super cold as they walked to school, Josuke forgot his gloves and was suffering the whole time, Okuyasu watched as he tried to warm his red hands. Okuyasu felt bad. He wanted to give him his gloves but didn't want to freeze either.

"You good Josuke?"

"Fuck no! My fingers are gonna freeze and fall off!"

"Oh sorry"

"I shoulda checked for gloves before I left! This is torture!"

"I could help ya out?" Okuyasu said as he was about to take off his gloves.

"No way you're giving me yours"

"Why not?"

"I don't want you to suffer too"

"These are my first set of gloves, in the past I would just have to deal with the cold"

"Then you're definitely keeping your gloves, you've suffered enough"

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