Anniversary Fiasco

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Okay but seriously THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I know I say this every time, but I legitimately never thought I'd make it this far. I thought at some point all the love and support would die down, but NOPE! Every time I read your comments I feel super happy, you guys are just so nice, and funny too lol. But anyways, lets get into the chapter.

Request: "Ahh this was beautiful everything you write is beautiful. Also if you take some request may I request a chapter where Zenitsu jokingly ask Nezuko to marry him and then they think of future plans." ~Balcatraz

Okay so I didn't know how to make that into a full story, so I put this request as a part of this chapter, but I hope that's still okay.

Also, as you guys know it's January, meaning February and Valentine's Day is almost here. Because of that I decided to make a chapter about that lol. Oh and I will try to make some short side chapters for the other ships to show what they did for Valentine's Day.

But let's get into what Zenitsu and Nezuko did on that day.

Nezuko's POV:

I tossed and turned in bed for a bit before slowly opening my eyes. The sun softly glowed through my window, reaching me in a warm, welcoming hug, waking me up even more as I yawned. After rubbing my eyes I sat up, pulling the covers off me. I blinked, looking around drowsily.

My eyes widened when I realized my room wasn't what I remembered. "....Huh? What's all this...?" There were a bunch of red rose petals all around my room, on the floor, on my bed, and a few even in my hair. Out of the corner of my eye I also noticed beside me was a lovely bouquet of tulips, tied together with a white bow. But there was more, next to the bouquet was a small box of strawberry Pockys, a heart was drawn on the pink box of sweets.

I felt my cheeks heat up, blushing as I took in what was all around me. Happiness spread inside me as I brought the bouquet up to my face to give it a smell, it had a nice mellow sweetness. I was a little confused on why I was suddenly surrounded by wonderful things, being treated like it was a special occasion. Then, like a light switch, it clicked. It indeed was a very special occasion.

Oh, that's right!

Today is-

"Chun! Chun!"

"Eh?" I watched as Chuntaro flew into my room from my slightly opened window, the cute sparrow was carrying a white envelope in his mouth. He landed on the ground in front of me to drop off what he had, then gave me a small chirp as if to say 'For you!' I could have sworn he gave me a smile as he flew away.

I grabbed the envelope and held it in my hands, feeling my heart flutter as I read 'To: Nezuko-chan' on the front. I smiled when I saw there was a dandelion taped to it too. Taking my fingers, I opened it, already knowing who was behind all this.

"Good morning, Nezuko-chan!! Happy Valentine's Day! Or.....should I say Anniversary? (¬¬) As you may have noticed, I brought you a couple of things! They are all to thank you, but even if it wasn't Valentine's Day I would still do this for you. This is the first time I have ever been able to do this with someone as perfect as you, so thank you so much for sticking with me for all this time and loving me back. Just by being with you I've learned a lot too. I promise to give you my all today, and everyday! I truly adore you, Nezuko-chan, my princess. ~Love your prince, Zenitsu ♡♡♡"

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