Mistletoe Accident

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"Wh-What?! Why is t-this here!?!" I stammered with a crimson glow from my face. I looked back at Nezuko-chan, her face was about as red as a strawberry. Inosuke was laughing so hard he basically was choking,

"I don't know! But you know what that means~!" He grinned, "K-i-s-s! Kiss!!"

My face exploded, "I-I can't d-do that!!"

"You have to!! Or else you'll have bad luck all next year!"

I looked at Inosuke, then back to Nezuko-chan. I was a hot mess, I don't want her to have bad luck!! My hands started to shake, just looking at her lips made me super flustered, I literally was panicking! Why did this have to happen!? All I wanted was a cupcake!!

"Come on! You can't stand there all day!!" Inosuke teased, Nezuko-chan and I avoided eye contact.

Okay Zenitsu just calm down!! You've always wanted to kiss a girl and now here's your chance. A tiny peck on the lips wouldn't hurt right? Dammit why am I shaking so much!?

Nezuko-chan closed her eyes which made my heart beat faster, I stood there and observed her face, mainly her glossy lips. Her face was burning up a lot too, a flustered Nezuko-chan was really cute but it made me even more anxious!!

Shit! I am really about to kiss her right now!?

I braced myself and mustered up enough courage, I placed my trembling hands on her shoulders. I looked away, took a deep breath, closed my eyes. I pulled her closer and felt the warmth of her body, I leaned towards her face until her forehead was touching mine. Then I immediately backed away and cover my crimson face with my hands,

"I-I-I can't!!" I stuttered, "I-I'm too n-n-nervous!"

Inosuke laughed, "C'mon~! Try one more time!!"

Nezuko-chan looked into my eyes, my heart skipped a beat. I closed my eyes, put my hand on the side of her face and quickly kissed her on the cheek, the feeling of her soft skin on my lips made the warm sensation inside me grow. Inosuke groaned,

"That's not enough you wussy!!" He yelled as he pushed me out of anger, "You have to make-" Inosuke's eyes widened when he saw what he caused, "-contact...."

Inosuke had shoved me towards Nezuko-chan. Her lips were on mine, locked in an accidental kiss. We stayed there for a couple of seconds until we realized what had just happened, Nezuko-chan and I jumped backwards. Both of our faces exploded in a bright red hue, the fuzzy feeling in my chest took over my entire body. I could still feel the warmth of her lips, along with the faint taste of her lip gloss even though we had pulled away already. We both stood there just staring at each other in absolute shock. I cover my mouth with my hands,

"D-Did I just-" Before I could finish talking my brain completely shut down, I fell to the ground and fainted. Inosuke bent down and shook me by the shoulders, I didn't respond and I probably wasn't going to anytime soon. Inosuke stood back up,

"Welp, he's out cold." Just then Tanjirou came back with a stack of neatly folded blankets in his arms,

"Hey guys! I got the-" He dropped the blankets on the ground when he saw his surroundings. Tanjirou sighed and facepalmed,

"I leave for two seconds......and Zenitsu is unconscious?" He muttered as he bent down and tapped me on my cheek to see if I would wake up.

"What did you guys do?! I've never seen Zenitsu this flustered before! It's like he's dead!!"

Inosuke raised both of his hands in the air, "Tontoro, all I'm gonna say is that it wasn't my fault...."

Tanjirou looked over to Nezuko-chan, her face still burning up. He looked down at me, back to Nezuko-chan, and then right above us. Tanjirou put the pieces together and squinted his eyes,

"I'm not gonna even ask....I'm pretty sure I know what happened....."


About 2 hours later I woke up in the living room, covered with a blanket and a warm towel was on my head. I groaned as I sat up, my head was pounding!


Everyone came running over to me very concerned, Tanjirou keep bombarding me with questions,

"Are you okay?! Do you need water? I'll get you water!" Tanjirou ran out of the room, I sat there very confused and kinda in pain,

"I....just had the most vivid dream....." Nezuko-chan blushed and looked me in the eyes,

"That.....wasn't a dream."

I was extremely puzzled, I stared at her and my eyes widened. My cheeks started to burn up again,

"W-Wait, so that whole m-mistletoe thing was......r-real?" Inosuke and Nezuko-chan both slowly nodded their heads, my whole face was consumed by blush. I could feel myself drifting out of consciousness again, Nezuko-chan noticed and grabbed me by the shoulders,

"N-No! No! Stay with us Zenitsu-kun!! Don't pass out!" Thankfully, Tanjirou came sprinting into the room with a glass of water that he forced me to drink. He waved his hand in front of my face,

"Zenitsu! Can you hear me? Are you okay?!" He put his hand on my forehead,

"Holy crap! He's overheating!!" Inosuke grabbed the rest of the water that Tanjirou had and splashed it on my face,

"Wake up you fool!!" The cold water made me shoot back to life,


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