Making Memories

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Here's a quick drawing I made to thank you for all the sweet comments! 

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Here's a quick drawing I made to thank you for all the sweet comments! 

(Tanjirou says thank you too)

Thank you so much for the support!! I hope you continue to enjoy the story! 

Now, here is the next part in Dandelion!

The school days flew by, winter break came and Christmas was right around the corner. People were wrapping gifts, baking treats, buying Christmas trees, and hanging out with family. I had my own plans though, Tanjirou had invited me and Inosuke to stay at the Butterfly Estate over the break for a Christmas party along with a party for Nezuko-chan's birthday, December 28th.

I put on a hat, scarf, and some gloves and left my house, the ground was covered in a thick white blanket of snow, I exhaled and watched as my breath floated away in the frosty air while I walked to the Butterfly Estate.


"Hey slowpoke! Hurry up and come inside!!" Inosuke yelled at me as he dragged me inside,

"Ow! Okay I'm coming!" As soon as I set foot in the house, the smell of cinnamon and pine filled the air along with the smell of vanilla. Tanjirou saw that I was here and came up to me,

"Happy holidays!" He smiled like usual, "We were decorating the Christmas tree, c'mon you can help us!" I chuckled,


With Christmas music playing in the background, we all started decorating, smiling, laughing, and making jokes. It was a lot of fun, but deep down I had this feeling of misery inside of me, even though I was hanging out with my friends and even my crush, memories of the years before I met them keep flooding into my mind. Reminding me of how I used to spend Christmas, alone with my toxic foster parents before Gramps took me in. I couldn't get my mind off of it, I ended up spacing out just staring at an ornament I was gonna put on the tree,

"H-Hey Zenitsu...?" Tanjirou waved his hand in front of my face,

"HEY!!" He snapped his fingers. I jolted out of my imagination,

"YAAH!! Wh-What is it?"

Tanjirou looked at me with extreme concern, "Are you okay? You haven't been acting like yourself, you've been staring at that ornament for about a minute now....." I quickly placed the ornament on the tree and looked back at Tanjirou,

"N-No, I'm fine! I was just zoning out." Tanjirou placed his hand on my shoulder,

"Okay....but if you ever need anything I'm here." He smiled,

"Yeah, thanks."

Just then Inosuke came running over to us with a huge amount of energy,

"Guys! Guys! Look!!" He pointed out the window as he hopped up and down, "It started to snow again!!!" I giggled at his chaotic ways, we walked outside looked up at the flurries of snow falling from the sky, All of us stood there just admiring the beautiful sight for awhile,

"Brrr! It's cold out here, I'm going back inside." Tanjirou shivered. Inosuke followed him, frustrated that he couldn't catch any of the snow on his tongue,

"Screw this!! Snow is stupid." He scoffed. This left me alone with Nezuko-chan. She walked over to me and tapped me on the shoulder,

"Zenitsu-kun, is something wrong? Tanjirou's right, you haven't been acting like yourself." Nezuko-chan looked up at me with a sad expression, I sighed,

"......Something is wrong. Even though I am enjoying myself and I love hanging out with you guys......I..." Tears formed in my eyes,

".....I-It's just hard.....I don't really have any good holiday m-memories....that I can look b-back on." Snowflakes fell onto my face, they melted and rushed down my face along with my tears,

"I-I don't....want to look back on the past....b-but-" Nezuko-chan interrupted me by giving me a hug. I wrapped my arms around her and sobbed,

"I.....I just c-can't stop t-thinking about it...!" Nezuko-chan rubbed my back just like I did for her, she pulled away and wiped my tears with her thumb,

"Well then, I'm gonna help you make happy memories!! Starting right here, right now!" She smiled,

"I'll help you make happy ones so you can forget about the bad ones." The look in her eyes told me that she was serious. I gave her a sad smile,

"O-Okay..." I sniffed,

Nezuko-chan motioned her hand towards her, telling me to 'come here.' I walked closer to her, then she took her hand and lifted up my uneven bangs that covered my face. Next she slowly leaned closer and gently kissed me on my forehead. The cold feeling of the snow and misery inside of me faded away into warmth and happiness, the sensation grew stronger the more I looked at her and my heart started to beat faster.

"Please don't be sad."

I blushed a bit and nodded my head,

"Okay." I smiled for real,

"And thank you." 

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now