First Date

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This is the start of the one-shots for Zenitsu x Nezuko!

Just so you know I changed something:

Zenitsu and Inosuke moved into the Butterfly Estate will live there with Tanjirou and Nezuko.

These one-shots are just to show cute thing the Zenitsu and Nezuko do together as a couple.

I hope you enjoy!!

Ever since Valentine's Day, Nezuko-chan and I officially got together. Today was the day that we had planned to go on our first date, honestly I was kinda nervous. Even though me and Nezuko-chan were a thing now, I still got anxious around her. I would get that same bubbly, warm feeling in my chest whenever I looked at her, I still stutter when I talk too. These feelings really make me feel like I'm falling in love with her all over again.

Nezuko-chan finished getting ready and came up to me, "I'm done Zenitsu-kun!"

I blushed and grabbed her hand, "Okay! Let's-"

"Hey Nezuko, will you help me with the laundry when you get back?"

We both turned around to see that Aoi was behind us holding a basket of dirty clothes, Nezuko-chan smiled, "Yeah, I will!"

Aoi nodded but then tilted her head in confusion, "Where are you going anyway?"

"Oh, I'm just going out for awhile with my boyfriend. That's all."

My complexion instantly turned red and my heart started to flutter,


Aoi walked off and said, "Oh cool." Nezuko-chan turned back to me,

"Alright, we can- AH! Why is your face so red?!"

I looked away and fiddled with my fingers, "S-Sorry, It's just- I've n-never heard you c-call me that out loud b-before....."

Nezuko-chan squinted her eyes and giggled, "Zenistu-kun, we've been dating for a while you know, did you forget silly?" She put her hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes, "Why are you so flustered?"

"N-No! I didn't forget! I-I.....It just m-makes me r-really happy to k-know that you l-love me too." I pathetically stammered as I averted my gaze. Nezuko-chan laughed,

"That's it? Stop with all the mushy stuff you hot mess!" Nezuko-chan found it extremely funny that I would get flustered over very childish things. She leaned closer and gave me a peck on the cheek which made me blush even more, Nezuko-chan took her hand and held mine, she gave it a little squeeze,

"Come on, let's go!"


Nezuko-chan and I walked around town and just hung out. We did whatever sounded cool, like going to a boba shop or eating sweet rice dumplings at a nearby restaurant. Just laughing and having a lot of fun. After a while we sat down in the grass in a nearby park, close to a pond and underneath a tree, it was super calming. I turned to look at Nezuko-chan and smiled, she scooted closer to me and leaned her head on my shoulder, my cheeks turned rosy.

"You're really comfortable." Nezuko-chan said as she looked up at me, I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her,


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