Lover's Rings

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Request: "THIS STORY WAS BEAUTIFUL! Omg you should do the next chapter of like zenitsu and the rest doing secret Santa and going shopping, ice skating and maybe their New Years goals :3" ~denkizen

Okay, first of all thank you omg. Thank you to everyone else who reads as well! You guys are so nice!!

So, I did you're request but I also added in another small one from thebigIrishschatten (I probably spelt that wrong, but you know who you are) I added in a small InoAoi and TanKana moment in the chapter. Of course if you don't want to read those parts you could skip them if you want lol.

Also with the Secret Santa, it might not be exactly how it's suppose to work cuz I've never done it before in irl so I had to use google to help me lmao, and plus I kinda made some changes to make it how I want it to go.

But that's enough blabbing on, you guys can read the chapter now haha.

Snowflakes gently fell from the sky, floating down into the crisp air. Winter had arrived once again. It's always refreshing to see the familiar, magical scene of huge blankets of sparkly, white snow, spread across the ground as far as the eye could see, solid icicles hanging off buildings, bells ringing, and twinkling Christmas lights hung all around. It was super frigid outside, but I could still feel that wonderful warmth inside me as I held Nezuko-chan close, making sure she wasn't too cold on our stroll from school. My cheeks were rosy, from the cold, and from her of course.

"Brrr! It's freezing out there!" I shivered as we finally walked into the heated house, the wonderful scent of Christmas themed candles burning filled my lungs as I took off my winter coat, hat and gloves.

"Well, at least it's nice and cozy in here." Nezuko-chan rubbed her hands together, but then suddenly embraced me. Her smell mixed with all the other festive aromas around me. My heart already was fluttering. "So are you, you're cozy too."

I blushed. "I-I am?" Nezuko-chan nodded, smiling.

"Yeah...." Her cheek was pressed up against my chest, I could feel the soft coldness of it just barely seeping through the thick sweater I had on. Though she was somewhat chilly, it was still comforting to have her near. I hugged her back as she tightened her grip on me, resting my head on hers.

I was just taking in her sound when Nezuko-chan started giggling, I was a little confused because it had a mischievous tone to it.

"Eh? Nezuko-cha- A-AHHH!!" A sharp chill went down my spine, causing me to jolt. Out of nowhere, Nezuko-chan slipped her icy hand up my sweater, her winter-like skin on my bare back. She sent a shock of pure ice throughout my body, like she was putting actual snow on me. My skin stung a bit from the sudden change in temperature.

I yanked her arm out of my sweater. "Nezuko-chan! Ah! D-Don't do that!" My face was flushed red, she always has to do something to fluster me!

Nezuko-chan laughed even more. "But, it feels good to me, you're warm!"

"Well, you can't steal all of my warmth!" I held her hand, "C'mon, let's go sit by the fireplace. You'll feel better that way."

Once it was lit, the glow of the toasty fire immediately met us as it burned. One of the most soothing feelings is sitting in front of an amazing fire, the way it feels against you, and how it just creates this wonderful atmosphere. It always makes me happy, especially if I'm sharing it with someone I love. I made sure to snuggle up next to Nezuko-chan as we sat together.

Wow, I can't believe Christmas is already here again.

It feels like forever since the last one.

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now