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I sat in class staring out the window, daydreaming about Nezuko-chan and how wonderful that dream was, the fuzzy feeling I had felt before came to back me. I smiled to myself but soon stopped when Tomioka-sensei threw a ruler at me.

"Ow!" I turned to look at him, my face went pale when I saw how frustrated he was with me.

"Did you even hear a word I just said?!" Tomioka-sensei hissed at me, "Answer my question!!"

"....Uhhhh, I-I-"

"Stop mumbling!! I can't hear you!"

I looked down at my feet and apologized, "N-No sir, I wasn't listening. I'm s-sorry...."

Tomioka sensei scoffed, "You would probably pay more attention if you dyed your hair black."

Fantastic. A lecture about dress code. I sat there, nodding my head, pretending that I was listening but I really wasn't.


Finally lunch came and I met up with Tanjirou and Inosuke,

"So, what did you want to talk about Tanjirou?" I asked while also trying to protect my food from Inosuke who was attempting to steal it.

"Oh, it's about Nezuko."

My heart skipped a beat,

"O-Oh, what about her?" I questioned as I took a sip of my water,

Tanjirou looked me straight in the eyes, "Well, let's just get straight to the point." He said, "You have a crush on her, correct?"

The water I had drank shot violently out of my mouth. In a flash my face was glowing red, "I-I WHAT?! H-How do you know that?!" I choked. Tanjirou laughed,

"I had my suspicions when you first met her, plus you were really bad at hiding." He grinned, "You also keep forgetting I have a very keen nose. The sleepover was a big hint too!"

Inosuke chimed in, "Yeah he's right, you were awful at hiding it."

My jaw dropped to the ground as he listed off even more reasons on how he knew, It was so embarrassing! However, next he said something that shocked me,

"She seems to have taken a liking to you though! Afterall, she was hugging you in her sleep. It was pretty cute if I do say so myself."

I blushed at the thought that she might like me back, but then my face faded into confusion,

"Wait a minute, then why did you ask what happened between us at breakfast when you already saw for yourself?"

"Oh yeah! Haha, That was a test to see if one, she was okay with you being that close to her and two, if you were just being a pervert like usual. Guess what? You both passed!!"

I sat there, completely dumbfounded trying to understand his reasoning. I squinted my eyes,

"So....your telling me you did that just to prove a point." I said as rage filled me from head to toe, "WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU JUST ASK?! YOU SCARED THE DAYLIGHTS OUT OF ME WITH YOUR HORRIFYING EXPRESSION!!!"

Tanjirou chuckled, "Well if I didn't do that then you guys would've just kept lying to me!"


"Sorry! Sorry! I won't!" He apologized, Once I had calmed down Tanjirou cleared his throat,

"Anyway, now that you told me that you like her, I need you to promise me something."

I raised one of my eyebrows, "What would that be?"

"That you'll protect her. She's the only family member I have left so if something bad were to happen I would be devastated."

Tanjirou's family had been murdered a couple years ago when someone came and attacked them while Tanjirou was out running errands for his mom, Nezuko-chan was the only one who made it out alive. Tanjirou was smiling when he asked me to promise him that I would protect her, but I could tell he was hurting deep down inside because he missed them all. It was a sad smile. I looked him seriously and nodded my head,

"I swear I will protect her with every part of my being!"

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now