Gift Exchange

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Morning came and we all left our rooms to go open presents, as I walked out of my room so did Nezuko-chan. We made eye contact and blushed thinking about what almost happened last night.

The Christmas tree was shining bright and had a whole bunch of presents under it. Inosuke, like his crazy self ran towards the presents with a huge amount of energy and started to rip apart any present that had his name on it. Although we had to stop him from accidentally opening our presents because he still wasn't that good at reading. We all were laughing and having a great time.

But Nezuko-chan and I couldn't stop stealing glances at each other, every time we would, both of our cheeks would flare up a bit. I couldn't get my mind off of her!! I was so close to kissing her again last night! My heart would start fluttering just at the thought of it!! I wanted to be with her, but every time we got near each other we were always interrupted somehow. I really wanted to get her alone, so it was just me and her. Together.


Time passed and most of the presents had been opened. I walked over to Nezuko-chan and sat down on the ground where she was.

"Nezuko-chan! I got you a present!!" I smiled. She giggled,

"You did? Thank you so much!!" I have never gotten a gift for a girl, let alone my crush! So I was kinda nervous. I handed her my gift that I had hand-wrapped. They were two hand-sized boxes, wrapped in a striped green, red, and white wrapping paper. I wrote her name on both of the boxes and I even mustered up enough courage to draw a tiny heart too. Nezuko-chan took the gifts from me and observed them, I could see her looking at the hearts I drew which made me even more anxious.

Nezuko-chan looked up at me and blushed, she didn't say anything but I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was saying 'thank you'. She opened both of the gifts, the first one was a shimmery gold flower hair pin, the second one was a matching silver pair. They sparkled in the sunlight as she pulled them out of the box.

"Since I couldn't get y-you actual flowers, I-I got you hair pins!" I ran my fingers through my hair nervously. Nezuko-chan held both of them close to her heart and smiled,

"Awwww! Zenitsu-kun!! I love them!!!" She beamed, "They're so pretty!!"

My face lit up, "R-Really?" Nezuko-chan reached out and gave me a big hug,

"Yes! Thank you!!"

I hugged her back, "You're welcome!" Nezuko-chan pulled away and looked me in my eyes,

"I got you something too!" My eyes widened,

"Really? You did?" Nezuko-chan gushed with excitement,

"Of course!" She turned around and grabbed the gifts, "Here you go!" Nezuko-chan smiled as she handed them to me, the first one was hand-sized just like the ones I had given her. It was wrapped in white wrapping paper that had golden stars all over it. The next one was about the size of my lap, wrapped in the same paper but with a golden ribbon on top. I was ecstatic!!

I took the smaller one first and looked at it just like Nezuko-chan did with mine. Then I noticed something, she had also drawn a tiny heart by my name, my heart started to beat faster. I looked up at her and my cheeks flushed a crimson hue, she blushed too. My mind was racing,

Does she like me back?! Well we did almost kiss last night, either that or I'm just imagining things, plus we did actually kiss but then again that was an accident....

I pushed those thoughts aside and opened the gift. Inside was a keychain with a small dandelion charm on it,

"When I saw it, I thought of you...." Nezuko-chan explained, those words made the fuzzy feeling in my chest grow even more, I wrapped my arms around her in a tight embrace,

"Thank you so much!! I love it!!!" Nezuko-chan wrapped her arms around me too and laughed.

"You're welcome!!" I let go of her and smiled,

"Here! Open the next one!!" She exclaimed as she handed me the other present, to my surprise it was warm. When I went to unwrap it I noticed that she drew another heart by my name, this time a little bigger. I blushed as I opened it, what was inside was my favorite salmon rice balls!

"I knew these were your favorite snacks so I made so for you!!" I gave her a big smile,

"Oh my gosh!! Thanks!" I reached for one of them and went to take a bite, then Nezuko-chan's stomach growled. I stopped and looked at her, then back to my rice ball,

"Do you want some?"

Nezuko-chan's cheeks turned red, she looked away,

"O-Oh, I'm okay! They're y-yours so-" I patted her on the head,

"I don't mind sharing with you, here you can have this one!" I offered as I handed her the one in my hand. Then my face turned red,

"I-I didn't take a bite y-yet, so d-don't worry!"

Nezuko-chan giggled, "Okay, no need to get flustered silly!" she took the one I was holding, and I reached for another one she had made. Nezuko-chan looked into my eyes,

"Thank you, Zenitsu-kun."

"N-No problem!" I said as I took a bite,


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