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Hey, I didn't know if I should put this but I will anyway.

Quick disclaimer: Things do get a bit bloody in this nightmare Zenitsu has, just wanna make sure that you're okay with that before you continue. (Although I am not good at writing horror stuff so I doubt that it will be that scary)

Anyways, enjoy the story!


I was surrounded by complete darkness. There was noise other than the sound of my own heartbeat and breathing. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I noticed a figure standing in the shadows. The more I focused, I saw it had long black hair that faded into orange at the ends, it was Nezuko-chan. My face lit up when I knew it was her, I was glad not to be alone,

"Oh! Nezuko-chan!!" I waved to her, but to my surprise she didn't wave back. She didn't even looked at me,


I tilted my head, her skin was very pale unlike her usual self. That made me concerned, I reached out to her,


Before I could get to her, a deafening sound rang out and interrupted me. It was like nails on a chalkboard but ten times worse. The pain reached my head in a massive migraine that drilled into my brain, I even teared up a bit. I immediately covered my ears, it was such an inhuman noise, filled with destruction and rage. Almost like a sound a demon would give off. My eyes widened when I saw that my prediction was correct.

I stood there frozen in fear as I watched a huge demon crawl out of the pitch blackness surrounding us. Long nails, razor sharp teeth that could rip through flesh like butter, and red eyes that glowed in the darkness. I broke out in a cold sweat, just looking at the thing made me want to pass out, I turned to Nezuko-chan who seemed to be just as scared as me. Before I even got the chance to process what was going on, or where I was, or why this was happening, the demon suddenly lunged towards Nezuko-chan.

"No!" My heart sank to my stomach.

As an instinct I ran to protect her, but when I tried to move my legs, nothing happened.

I couldn't move.

Frozen, I was paralyzed.

What's going on?! W-Why can't I move!?

I watched in absolute horror as the demon attacked her, she tried to get away and defend herself but it was no use. The faint smell of blood filled the air. My heart completely stopped, I kept trying to move but no matter how much I struggled or screamed, I couldn't move as much as a muscle. There was this deep pit of despair inside me, so strong that I felt like I was going to puke. The longer I watched, the more intense it got. Dizziness consumed me,

"N-No! No! Don't hurt her!! P-Please!!!" I cried out as tears streamed down my face, it was the only thing I could do. I stood there and saw her own blood splatter on the ground in front of me. I was trembling, I couldn't breath. I took so many deep, uneven breaths, but none of them got to my lungs. My heart was aching, it felt broken. Like a thousand knives, repeatedly stabbing me in my chest. Over and over again. Without an end.

"H-Help me! Zenitsu-kun.....!"

I stopped struggling for a second, a faint sound echoed through my ears. A voice I recognized: Nezuko-chan.

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now