LDR Heartache

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Guess who's back! Here's a drawing I made a couple weeks ago, I hope you like it cuz it took forever lmao (also I have more drawings to show you but I'll save that for later)

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Guess who's back! Here's a drawing I made a couple weeks ago, I hope you like it cuz it took forever lmao (also I have more drawings to show you but I'll save that for later).

Well anyways, school in person completely DESTORYED me from waking up at 6am, and the fact my school has 3 stories and a bunch of stairs. But now I finally finished this request! Sorry for the delay! Okay no more stalling, here's the prompt~!

Request: "Could you do one where Tanjirou gets mad at them for spending too much time together or something and he makes them spend a day apart?" ~that_one_lesbian6

Annddd "You should do one when Inosuke or Tanjirou stumble across the recording of Zen and Nezuko in the living room" ~Green292

Man I keep picking a lot of the same people over again, but it's not intended! I love all the requests so much, and when I read them I sometimes don't notice it's by someone I already chose lol

Anywayss you can read now! I hope you enjoy~

Tanjirou's POV:

The school day had come to an end a few hours ago. Everyone was at home just hanging out or doing their own thing, I myself was taking a stroll downstairs around the Butterfly Estate looking for either one of my friends. I would have gone to be with Kanao too, but she always has after school lessons with Shinobu-san, since she's her tutor, because of that she wasn't home yet.

I walked forward, making my way to the backyard. I had no idea where Zenitsu was so I figured I'd go find Inosuke first since I knew he was probably in the woods or something. But on my way there I passed the kitchen, noticing recognizable noises coming from inside.


With my eyebrow arched in curiosity, I backtracked, going towards the entrance of the kitchen to peak inside. Past the wall I saw a glimpse of blond hair, almost instantly I smiled. "Oh! Zeni-" But to my dismay, he wasn't alone like I thought.

My sister was there too.

What I could gather from the situation was that Nezuko must have been making herself a snack-- a grilled cheese sandwich, it was still in the pan placed on the hot stove. But Zenitsu, being the bubbly, touchy lover he is, had interfered. I blushed a little as I watched them kiss, his hands holding her near and dear.

"Nmh..." I heard my sister mumble, her cheeks flushed. "....C-Cut it out, Zenitsu-kun... Now's not the t-time for this.." Her words completely contradicted her actions as she turned her head, going in to kiss him back. Even her arms were around him, she was clinging onto his shirt. It didn't take much to understand she was obviously lying about wanting him to stop, my blond best friend could clearly tell too, chuckling in somewhat of a flirty way.

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now