Dancing in the Dark

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We walked into the school that was crowded with people. There were streamers hung everywhere along with other decorations. Music was playing and the smell of treats and food filled the air. I turned to Nezuko-chan,

"You wanna get a snack first?"

She nodded her head, "Yeah! I haven't eaten anything since lunch." We went over to where the food was, there were so many things to choose from! I looked around and spotted one of my favorite snacks,

"Oh! They have the salmon rice balls!" I said as I reached out and grabbed one. Nezuko-chan grabbed some too and we both sat down at a table. As I was enjoying my rice ball Nezuko-chan started laughing,

"Hm? What's so funny?" I tilted my head in confusion, Nezuko-chan giggled even more,

"You're such a messy eater! You have rice on your face!" She said to me as she pointed to her face showing me where. I took my finger and wiped my cheek where she pointed,

"Did I get it?"

Nezuko-chan laughed again, "No silly! Here lemme help." She leaned closer to me and took her hand and tilted my head, then she used her fingers to pick the piece of rice off my cheek. My whole face flushed a bright red color.

"Eh? What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing! Thanks." I stuttered back, "And s-sorry, whenever I eat these I-I always get rice on my f-face somehow..."

Nezuko-chan chuckled, "It's okay! I find it cute." I blushed even more. I looked into her eyes and smiled,


Nezuko-chan pointed to her cheek, "See? It even happens to me!" she laughed, "So don't feel bad."

"Yeah I guess you're right." I giggled as I wiped the rice off her face just like she did. We both blushed. Just then a random girl walked by,

"Oooh! You guys are such a cute couple!!" Our faces went completely red, I turned around,

"W-Wait a minute, we're n-not-" When I glanced around I didn't see her anymore, "Ne-Nevermind." I looked back at Nezuko-chan, her face was still crimson like mine. I fiddled with my fingers underneath the table, and as if the DJ wanted to torture me, music for the slow dance started. I began to sweat,

It's now or never Zenitsu. Just ask her!!

I braced myself and stood up, I held out my hand,

"U-Um, would y-you like to dance?" I shyly asked, Nezuko-chan looked me and smiled,

"Yes, yes I would."

She took my hand and I gave her a nervous smile.

Holy shit! She said yes!? I didn't think I would make it this far!!!

We walked over to the dance floor, the lights dimmed. I timidly placed my hand on her hip and she put her hand on my shoulder. We tangled our fingers up perfectly. Even in the barely lit room it was impossible to hide my red face.

"Haha....is i-it just me, or is it r-really hot in here?" I nervously laughed,

Nezuko-chan giggled, "Why are you so flustered?" I sighed,

"W-Well you see, I've never d-danced like this with a g-girl this pretty be-before......"  I explained as I avoided eye contact. Nezuko-chan blushed,

"Zenitsu-kun, just loosen up a little bit! It's okay." I looked back at her and into her magical eyes. She squeezed my hand and smiled, I took a deep breath.


The soothing music in the background made me calm down a little, I looked back to Nezuko-chan and she looked back at me. I gazed into her eyes, the fuzzy feeling inside me that we call love grew stronger. I had such a huge crush on her, she was so hard to resist now, I pulled her closer and felt the warmth of her body against mine. The atmosphere was so romantic, all of a sudden the butterflies in my stomach were gone and I wasn't as nervous anymore.

"See? Now you're starting to get it." Nezuko-chan whispered as she slowly wrapped her arm around my neck.

"Yeah I guess so." I whispered back. Her face was inches from mine, her scent surrounded my entire body. My heart was fluttering so much. I took my hand and twirled her around and watched as her dress flowed in the wind with her long hair. She grabbed my hand, held me closer and stopped spinning, My cheeks started to burn up again. I have never felt this way for anyone before. Her magnetic pull on me was so intense, I didn't want this moment to end. I got lost in a dreamy state, just staring into her hypnotising  eyes.

Dancing in the dark.

She leaned her head against my shoulder and tenderly placed her hand over my heart. I smiled and tightened my grip on her hand. I spun her around again, this time she leaned backwards performing a dip on the dance floor, I held her close to make sure she didn't fall. Both of us out of breath from dancing, we stared into each other's eyes and got taken away to paradise. Unfortunately the slow dance ended right there, with her in my arms.

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now