Laundry Day

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Nezuko's POV:

Aoi deals with the laundry in the Butterfly Estate, even though Aoi says she can do it, I still like to help out when I'm able to so she can take a break and not overwork herself. Usually when I give her a hand nothing out of the ordinary occurs, but this time one of the most embarrassing things happened to me.

Today was one of those days where I was helping Aoi with the laundry, I had just grabbed everyone's clothes and put them in a basket so I could deliver their stuff to their rooms: Kanao, Aoi, my brother, and Inosuke. When I finished giving all of them their clothes, it was finally time to do Zenitsu-kun.

I walked down the hall to his room and to my surprise he wasn't in there when I opened the door, I went in, sat the basket down on the ground and began setting his clothes on his bed. I paused for a second when I got to one of his blankets, it was one you'd usually find him wrapped up in if he was cold. I giggled to myself, little does Zenitsu-kun know that I like to play around with his stuff when he's not here.

I brought the blanket up to my face and inhaled the scent, it smelled just like him even though he wasn't curled up inside it, I smiled. I took his blanket and wrapped it around my body, it was super soft and warm from being outside to dry in the sun, it truly felt like a blanket made out of pure sunshine. His wonderful scent surrounded me, making me happy. With warmth covering me along with his smell, it was like he was giving me a nice, comforting hug even though he wasn't there. Honestly I could stay like this all day, but I couldn't. I needed to finish my chores for the day.

With the blanket still around me I took the rest of the clothes and laid them on his bed, after that there was only one piece of clothing at the bottom of the basket. It was his favorite hoodie, it was a warm yellow color that faded into orange down at the end, there is also white triangle pattern all over it. Just looking at it made me feel nice and fuzzy inside because it was full of lovely memories from around the time Zenitsu-kun had a huge crush on me, I remember this hoodie was the first thing I saw him wear outside of his school uniform. I could feel a light blush rise to my cheeks as I continued to look at it,


You know, it wouldn't hurt to just.....

I grabbed the hoodie from the basket and held it up,

Zenitsu-kun wouldn't mind if I....?

I listened to my heart, I pulled the hoodie over my head and the shirt I already had on, it was a bit big on me but it worked. Immediately I was consumed by his scent and the soft warmth from the sunlight it soaked up. Now it felt like I was 'wearing' one of his safe hugs filled with his affection for me. I love secretly wearing his clothes, my cheeks turned even more rosy as I took a deep breath and inhaled his calming scent, but just then I heard an unexpected sound coming from his bathroom. I turned around to see the doorknob jiggle and the door slowly opening.

Zenitsu's POV:

I had just gotten out of the shower and I was getting dressed in the bathroom. It was a bit weird though, while I was in here I could hear faint noises coming from the inside of my room, I decided to just brush it off, I was probably just hearing things. I had already put my pants on, a pair of jeans, but when I looked around I couldn't find my shirt,


That's strange, I could have swore I brought a shirt in here with me......

I guess I forgot this time.

I sighed and walked over to the door, turned the doorknob, and opened it. My face instantly flushed a bright red hue when I saw why I kept hearing sounds in my room.

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