Valentine's Day

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The pressure was on. People all around me were already asking others on dates, sometimes I would see someone get turned down. The pain on their face was too much for me to handle, it all made my nervousness shoot through the roof!! I was super afraid of getting rejected! On top of that, the day seemed to fly by really fast and soon enough it was Thursday. I began to feel shaky again,

The day came to an end and school was over,

"Good luck tomorrow!!" Tanjirou encouraged me as I left, Inosuke joined in too,

"Don't get too nervous!"

"Y-Yeah okay." I sighed as I walked off,

It's now or never Zenitsu! There's no going back!!


I made it home and the first thing I did was panic. I panicked!! In a couple of hours I would ask out Nezuko-chan, I was prepared physically but not mentally.


Tomorrow's the big day and I don't feel prepared at all!!

What the hell do I do?!

She's gonna say no isn't she? Yeah! Definitely.

Maybe I shouldn't do it....


What I'm saying?! I can't back down now!

I walked over to the mirror in my room and looked at myself,

"I can't wait anymore. I need to ask her." I took a deep, long breath to try and calm down. I walked over to my closet,

Should I do something different to my outfit? What about this? Or maybe that?

Then all of a sudden I remembered something. Something important,

"Just be yourself."

The words that Tanjirou had said to me echoed through my head, I smiled. I felt so lucky to have supporting friends like Tanjirou and Inosuke. Although Inosuke isn't usually that good at giving advice, he still tries which means a lot to me. I sat down on my bed,

Thanks you guys. You've really been there for me when I needed it the most.


Soon enough the night grew dark and I lay in bed trying to actually get some sleep, which was not working. My mind was racing and I couldn't stop thinking about what Nezuko-chan might say. I sat back up and looked over to my backpack, the keychain Nezuko-chan had given to me was hanging on one of the zippers. I blushed as I thought of her smile, I have been suppressing these feelings for so long and now it was finally time to set them free. She makes me feel so incredible, I just hope she feels the same way about me. I won't know that until tomorrow though. I laid back down, inhaled, and then I closed my eyes.

It's time, I'm going to do it.


Morning came and I got ready for school. I walked over to my calendar, crossing out the last day leading up to Valentine's Day. I stood there staring at the big red circle I had drawn around the 14th, Today. Next I went over to my mirror to get myself a little pep talk,

Okay, Zenitsu today's the day. You know the plan, all you gotta do is follow through.

I looked closer at myself and suddenly began to feel insecure,

Holy shit since when did I look this weird....?

Why does my hair look more messy than usual?! And what's up with my eyebrows??

I shook my head, No! I look fine! I'm just overthinking things again. I closed my eyes, everything is going to be okay.

"Chu! Chu!" I turned around and saw Chuntaro chirping at me,


"Chu Chu Chu~!"

"Awww! You think I look good?" I smiled, "Thanks!" Chuntaro landed on the back of my hand, I used my finger to pet him.


I laughed, "Okay, I'll get going now. Just give me one second." I went over to my kitchen and grabbed the cookies. I put them in a Valentine's Day themed box I had, then I wrote 'I'm yours!' In the center of the box. Finally to finish it off I drew a heart around it. I guess Chuntaro thought I was taking too long, so he flew up to my face and pecked my on the cheek,

"Ow! Okay! Fine! I'm leaving now."

I grabbed my stuff and left my house, as I was locking my door I noticed something. There were dandelions growing outside of my house! I went over to them and smiled, Nezuko-chan will love these. I picked a few and made a bouquet for her, then I happily walked off to school with Chuntaro on top of my head and with a light heart.

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