I Trust You

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The next day when I walked through the school gates, I could hear people whispering behind my back about what happened, they were saying things like, "Isn't Zenitsu-kun? He usually cries a lot but I heard he punched someone." And, "He's the dude that saved that girl!" I just ignored it and waited by the cherry blossom for Tanjirou, Nezuko-chan, and Inosuke. When they finally showed up they were very surprised to see people staring at me and whispering.

"Uhhh, Tonitsu why is everyone whispering about you?" Inosuke questioned,

"And what the heck happened to your face?!" Tanjirou chimed in. I touched my cheek and sighed, 

"Well, you see what happened was," I proceeded to explain the situation to both of them, when I finished, their jaws dropped to the ground. Tanjirou looked at me and then to Nezuko-chan who nodded to confirm that it was true. He ran up to both of us and gave us a huge hug,

"Oh my god!! I am so glad you two are okay!" He let go and turned to me, "Zenitsu, thank you so much for keeping your promise. Words cannot express how happy I am!!"

But all of a sudden the atmosphere changed drastically. Tanjirou cleared his throat and smiled, but not an ordinary smile, one that was filled with pure destruction and rage. The type of smile that a murder would give off. His sound changed too, from his usual gentle and kind sound, to one that was sheer horror and annihilation. I broke out in a cold sweat. Tanjirou sniffed the air,

"Now, if you'll excuse me. I'll be back soon." He said as he cracked his knuckles and walked off.

Inosuke's anger exploded too, "Those guys put their hands on Tezuko?! That's gross!!" He roared, "AND they fought YOU instead of me!?! I'M GONNA KILL THEM FOR THAT!!" Inosuke ripped off his shirt and ran after Tanjirou. I stood there baffled with Nezuko-chan, We both looked at each other,

"Welp, those guys are dead." We said in unison.


At the lunch table I sat with Inosuke while Tanjirou was getting his lunch,

Inosuke looked at me and grinned, "Soooo, What was it like hanging out with Nezuko all day~?" My cheeks flared up in a bright crimson color.

'W-Why would you want to know?!"

"You have a crush on her right?" He teased as he jabbed me in the arm, "Did you guys kiss yet~?" I went completely red. I jabbed him back,

"Shut up you stupid boar!! I'm surprised you even know what a kiss is! Just because I have a crush on her doesn't mean we're dating or that I KISSED her!! Tanjirou would kill me if-"

I was cut off by Tanjirou who was behind us, "I would kill you if you did what? If you kissed Nezuko?"

Tanjirou sat down, "Honestly I'm okay with that, you could even start dating her if she liked you back." I sat there absolutely stunned, I arched my eyebrow,

"W-Wait, you would let me date her? Usually you would never let that happen."

Tanjirou smiled at me, "Yeah usually I would, but you proved that you were worthy by keeping your promise, so I trust you."

Hearing that made me extremely happy. I trust you, It kept echoing in my head! I was ecstatic! Although I did have my doubts about her liking me back. While my mind was racing Tanjirou mentioned something,

"Speaking of 'dates' there's gonna be a formal school dance at the end of the day on Friday." I snapped out of my daze and looked up, "Me and Nezuko are going, how about you guys?" Inosuke's face lit up,

"Heck yeah! If it's a school dance that means there will be food!!" Tanjirou was very excited to hear that, he turned to me,

"Zenitsu are you coming?" I sighed, "I don't know..."

"Awww c'mon it'll be fun!"

Inosuke joined in, "You might be able to dance with Nezuko~"  I blushed, the thought of her in a dress dancing with me made me nervous. I turned away,

"As if she would dance with me. That would never happen." Tanjirou put his hand on my shoulder,

"You'll never know unless you try."

I looked back at him and took a deep breath, "Okay, fine. I'll go."

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now