Birthday Preparations

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Two days passed quickly and it was already the day before Nezuko-chan's birthday. I spent the entire day preparing with Tanjirou and Inosuke. I had my own plans for her birthday though,

"Zenitsu, can you hand me the streamers?" Tanjirou asked, I nodded my head,

"Yeah, here you go-"

"Hey Tanjirou? Do you know where the rest of the blankets are? I'm cold." We heard her voice echo through the hallway coming towards us, I quickly threw the streamers over at Inosuke and he hid them.

"Why do you guys look so tense?" Nezuko-chan questioned,

I panicked and blurted out, "N-No reason!" Tanjirou thankfully spoke up,

"Uhhh, they should be in the closet upstairs."

Nezuko-chan smiled as she ran off, "Oh okay! Thanks!" When she left, Inosuke threw the streamers at my head,

"You idiot! Don't be so obvious!!" He snapped, "We don't want her to find out!!"

"Ow! S-Sorry!! I didn't mean to, I got nervous!"

"That was a close call." Tanjirou sighed, "And Inosuke now's not the time to be rude, we have to get to work!"


After we finished decorating we left Inosuke on patrol duty. His job was to make sure Nezuko-chan didn't go into the living room, that way the surprise wouldn't be ruined. Now that we were done preparing the house for Nezuko-chan's birthday, it gave me a chance to prepare for my surprise. I quickly put on a scarf, hat, some gloves, and I left the house.

I went store to store trying to find the gift I needed. I was able to find the supplies to wrap the gift easily, but I just couldn't find the present I was looking for. I decided take a break from searching and sat down on a bench, I sighed and watched my warm breath drift away in the icy air,

Every gift store I go to doesn't have what I need! What am I gonna do?!

I sat there thinking of other options when I saw something glimmer in the sunlight from the corner of my eye, I turned around and saw exactly what I was looking for in the display window of a nearby jewelry shop. I immediately jumped up and ran towards the store, I looked in the window,

"Oh my gosh this is the last one!! I am so lucky!!" I gushed as I walked inside and bought it before anyone else could, I walked back to the Butterfly Estate with a cheerful heart and a bright smile.


I made it back to the Butterfly Estate, I instantly got to work on her present. I ran up to my room where I had all the thing I needed, but the birthday girl stopped me before I could start,

"There you are Zenitsu-kun! I was wondering where you went!" Her face was suddenly in front of mine, my complexion turned bright red,


Nezuko-chan looked at me with concern, "What's wrong? You've been awfully jumpy today...."

I avoided eye contact, "Ah! I-I'm fine! You j-just startled me."

"Oops sorry!" Nezuko-chan looked behind me where I was holding her gift, "What are you hiding?"

I flinched and jumped back, "YAAH! N-Nothing! I'm n-not hiding a-anything!!" I slowly walked backwards, "W-Well, I have to g-go now....haha." Nezuko-chan was very confused,

"Oh, okay......"

I felt a little bit bad for leaving. The way she said 'bye' sounded like she wanted to hang out with me, of course I did too but now wasn't the time. As soon as she left my sight I bolted into my room and locked the door, I let out a huge sigh,

"Jeez....that was really close." I muttered to myself, "I need to be more careful...."

I got out all my materials and sat on the ground, took out her gift and smiled.

This is perfect.

I put it in a small box and began to wrap it, this time I chose white wrapping paper like Nezuko-chan did with my present, but instead golden stars, they were hearts. In addition to that I tied a silver ribbon around it in a bow. I also wrote her name in fancy handwriting and even drew a heart around her name, doing that made me super anxious! It was so noticeable, anybody who looked at the present would see it. I looked down at the finished gift, I brought it up to my chest and held it close to my heart, the bubbly feeling inside of me traveled up to my cheeks in a crimson hue. I love her so much.

Since I spent almost all day searching for the perfect present, by the time I had finished preparing the gift the sun had set. I had to get up early the next day for the second half of my surprise, so I went to bed sooner than usual. Though I did have some trouble falling asleep because of my overflowing thoughts about Nezuko-chan.

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