Home Sweet Home

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Please enjoy this happy drawing of Zenitsu and Nezuko on their little peach field dream date lol (Oh and Chuntaro, I drew him too)

Request: "I have an idea where Nezuko finally meets Zenitsu's grandpa." ~SkylarHudson515, cyaznnz, and Pain1551

Yeah lmao a lot of people requested this idea, and it's funny because after I finished The Thunder Brothers I was going to write something along the lines of this!

Oh! I also took a mini request from Setneb7 asking if I could do a chapter in which Nezuko takes a photo of Zenitsu without a shirt, and he tries super hard to delete it.

Now that it's done, you can finally read this wholesome chapter! :D

"Zenitsu," Tanjirou placed his hand on my shoulder with a soft smile. "Please make sure you two arrive there safely, I trust you won't let me down. I wish you guys a happy trip!"

It was around the time where I usually go see my guardian/adoptive parent, Gramps. During school I can't spare the time to see him because of the busy schedule, so within a year I visit him at least once during summer break for about a week, that way I can pop by and tell him what's up, and pay him gratitude for taking care of me for so long. Although this time Nezuko-chan had requested to come along with me, which had caught me by surprise, it was even more alarming when Tanjirou gave his consent and was allowing her to tag along.

I nodded, smiling as well. "Yeah, of course! Don't be worried!"

"You'll bring back food right??!" Inosuke's stomach growled at the thought, and since it was morning and he hasn't eaten breakfast yet.

"Ahaha, sure! We'll bring back something for everyone!" Nezuko-chan answered back before I could, she patted Inosuke on the head.

Aoi and Kanao were giggling. "We hope you two enjoy your little adventure!" I couldn't help but blush a little, from the tone in voice and playful snickering, it made it seem like they were implying we were going on a honeymoon or something, though in reality I was just visiting Gramps with my girlfriend. I knew this, yet my cheeks were still hot, Nezuko-chan didn't seem to pick up on anything though.

Once everything was said and done, the both of us finally set foot outside with a smile, ready to begin our travel, as we did everyone waved us goodbye, shouting a few farewell messages as we left.

"Tell your grandpa I said hi and I hope he's doing well, Zenitsu! Text me when you get there too, so I know you're okay!"

"Tenitsu! Mini Monjirou! The food! Don't forget the tasty food!!"

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now