A Flustered Dandelion

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Hey!! Before you read the story I just wanna say thank you so much for all the love and support! 

I literally have never written any type of fanfiction before so I have no idea what I am doing, so the fact the I was able to get 1k reads means a lot to me! 

I will continue to do my best to make the story interesting! Now without any further interruptions, please enjoy this new part of Dandelion!! 

The whole time we walked to the Butterfly Estate I held her tight and never let go, Nezuko-chan had her arm around my waist the entire time too, it made me a little flustered but I couldn't let that get the best of me. I had to protect her and make her feel better.

Nezuko-chan looked up at me and saw the bruise on my cheek, "Are you......hurt?" She asked quietly,

I looked down and saw the sorrow in her eyes, I could tell that she felt bad for what had happened. I smiled to show her I was okay,

"Don't worry! I'm okay. More importantly, how are you feeling?"

"I'm better now that you're here....but," Nezuko-chan stopped walking, her eyes filled with tears, "I-If I was stronger I could have defended myself......B-But you......ended up g-getting hurt-"

I took my hand, lifted her chin up and looked into her eyes, "Nezuko-chan....please don't cry, it's not your fault." I reassured her as I used my finger to wipe away her tears, "You did everything you could and that's all that matters! I don't mind getting a little banged up if that means you're safe."

Nezuko-chan blushed a bit. She leaned onto me and hugged me even more,

"You...... really do shine as bright as the sun, thank you."

My cheeks grew red,

"No problem!"


When we made it to the Butterfly Estate Nezuko-chan unlocked the door, she turned to look at me,

"Here let me get you an ice pack for your injury." She offered,

I blushed, "O-Oh you really don't have to, I'm fin-"

"You helped me out so I will too. It's the least I can do." She smiled as she grabbed my hand, bringing me inside.


"O-Ouch.... That hurts....." I mumbled while Nezuko-chan lightly touched my cheek to see how bad I was injured,

"Ah! I'm sorry!" She apologized as she placed the ice pack on my face, "It looks like it really hurts...."

I sighed, "To be honest it does hurt a lot." Nezuko-chan looked at me and frowned, she took the ice pack off my face,

"D-Don't worry!" I reassured her, "It's not that bad-"

I was cut off by Nezuko-chan when she gently placed her lips over my cheek and kissed my injury. My whole face exploded with a crimson glow, my heart started racing.

"YAAH!" I screamed as I jumped back, Nezuko-chan's face flushed a bright red color,

"Oh my god! I am so s-sorry!!" She frantically stuttered,

"I-I'm so used to doing that! Wh-When my siblings got hurt I would do that for them to make it f-feel better...." She covered her face that was burning up with her hands. I could still feel the warmth of her kiss lingering on my cheek, that particular feeling reminded me of what I had dreamed about the night before, it replayed in my mind and I blushed even more. I was sweating so much, I felt like I was gonna pass out! I looked at Nezuko-chan, she was really ashamed, I took a deep breath to try and calm down.


Nezuko-chan turned to looked me, her face still rosy, I touched the bruise on my cheek and blushed,

"......It d-does feel better." I turned away and ran my fingers through my hair, "D-Don't be embarrassed, I-I was just caught off g-guard....."

Nezuko-chan looked at my face which was about as red as a strawberry, she smiled,

"Y-You're welcome....."

I glanced back at her face, because my imagination was running wild, just looking at her made me extremely nervous!! My entire body was freaking out, I couldn't stop stuttering! Stupid brain!! Why did you make me have that dream?! Nezuko-chan looked back and broke the silence,

"I'll go get you a bandage to patch up that bruise." She said as she left the room. I stood still shaky and red in the face. I sighed,

"Ah! I can't believe that just happened! This is definitely a dream!! Nezuko-chan just kissed me on my cheek! I am seriously gonna faint again!!" I mumbled to myself as I walked in circles.

I stopped walking and put both of my hands in my hair,

"I think I am falling even deeper in lov-"

"Hm? Are you okay?" I was interrupted by Nezuko-chan when she walked in the room, I jumped at the sound of her voice,

"Ah! N-Nothing!"

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