Sneak-Peek: A Growing Crush

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Okay! This one-shot takes place at the end of the first day of school, around the time Zenitsu and Nezuko officially met!

I hope you enjoy!

Nezuko's POV:

"U-Um, Welcome to Kimetsu High School!"

Zenitsu-kun pulled out a flower crown, it was made from beautiful cherry blossoms, the lovely pink petals were woven together flawlessly, very full and prominent, not a flower out of place. I was amazed with his skills, the flower crown was perfect! It was something you'd see in a professional flower shop. I felt a light blush find its way to my cheeks,

He actually took the time to make this special gift just for me.

That goes to show how sweet he really is, and we just officially met too, yet he still went out of his way to do this. Zenitsu-kun gave me the flower crown with a nervous smile and shaky hands, his face burning up a lot too. I found it silly how he was so nervous to give me a simple gift. I smiled and took the flower crown from him, placing it on top of my head, Zenitsu-kun looked up at me and blushed even more once our eyes met.

I giggled and took his hand, holding it with mine, "Thank you, Zenitsu-kun!" As soon as I did that he exploded in a very bright red color, I was puzzled.

Did I do something wrong? What happened?

Zenitsu-kun tried to say something, "I-I......I.......ummm...." He paused for a second, averting his gaze from me, "U-Uhhhh you're welcome....!" He said meekly, I giggled again.

"Nezuko? Are you coming?" Tanjirou was calling out to me.

"Yeah! In a minute!" I gave Zenitsu-kun's hand a tiny squeeze before letting go, "Thanks for the gift! See you later, Zenitsu-kun!"

Zenitsu-kun nodded and smiled sweetly, "B-Bye, Nezuko-chan!" Weirdly, when he smiled at me it felt like my heart skipped a beat, my cheeks flushed a crimson hue. Confused, I turned around and ran off to my brother.

What in the world just happened to me?

W-Why did that smile......make me blush...?

His smile was so cute.......

What the- What I'm I thinking? All he did was smile, nothing more.......but then why did it make me feel that way?

I pushed my thoughts aside and caught up to Tanjirou to continue on our way home, he held my hand as we walked.

"How was your first day at school?" My brother asked, "I know it can be a bit much, was everything okay? Did you get lost? Was anyone mean to you? If anyone messes with my little sister they'll pay for it!"

I laughed, "Ohhh, Tanjirou! You're so overprotective sometimes! Haha! Loosen up a bit! There's no need to worry, everything was great! And, no, nobody messed with me."

Tanjirou let out a relieved sigh, "That's nice to hear! I'm glad you had a good day!" He patted my head, "I'm so proud of you, Nezuko! You've grown up so much!"

"Well, of course I have, Tanjirou! I'm in highschool now, just like you!"

Tanjirou chuckled, "Yeah.....true." At that moment my brother noticed the flower crown on my head, he arched one his eyebrows, "Hey, where'd you get the flower crown?"

"Oh, your Dandelion friend gave it to me before we left to welcome me to the school!" I beamed. Tanjirou squinted, he didn't understand who I was referring to for a second.

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