Cherry Blossom

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The rest of the day I could not focus on anything, I kept spacing out in class because of what happened. The scene kept replaying in my mind over and over again. Every time I would think about it would feel happy and warm inside.

I wonder what she is do-

My train of thought was interrupted by Inosuke.

"Hey, if you're not gonna eat your bento box then give it to me!" Inosuke demanded as he reached for my food, I slapped his hand before he could touch it though. Tanjirou looked over at me with a worried face.

"Zenitsu are you feeling okay? You've been acting strange." Tanjirou questioned with a frown.

"Oh. I'm sure it's n-nothing." I lied.

"Are you sure? You've been sitting here at the lunch table for 4 minutes just staring at your food." Tanjirou pointed out, "We can take you to Shinobu-san if you're feeling sick."

"N-no no no, it's okay, I'm okay." I reassured him. At least I think I'm okay....

I wasn't about to tell TANJIROU how I felt about Nezuko-chan, He would probably freak out, it might even ruin our friendship! Just thinking about that makes me terrified. I've never actually had friends before until I met Tanjirou and Inosuke, so losing them would hurt. A lot.

After we finished our lunch we had some free time left so we took a walk around school grounds. Along the way Tanjirou ran into Kanao they talked for awhile, this left me alone with Mr. Impatient. I took a seat on a nearby bench and looked around and saw who I was looking for. Nezuko-chan. She was talking to Makomo-chan by a cherry blossom tree. I blushed as I looked at her hair flow in the wind along with the cherry blossoms.

"What the hell are you doing??" Inosuke asked me as I looked at her.

"Nothing." I murmured "I'm just thinking about Nezuko-chan."

F@ck, I didn't mean to say that out loud!

I slowly turned my head and saw Inosuke looking at me with a devilish grin. 

"OOOooh~ You like her don't you?" He teased me. My face instantly turned as red as a tomato. I started to panic.

"Shhh!! Be quiet idiot!!" I hissed "Don't be so loud! Tanjirou might hear you!!"

"So that's a yes then?"

"N-no, I mean yes, W-WAIT I mean-"

"Dude. There's no point in hiding it. Everytime you look at her you get all shy and weird."

I had no choice but to tell him, even though he already knew, I was so nervous, what if he told Tanjirou?! OR even worse, what if he told Nezuko-chan?

"Fine, ok. I do like her okay? Just please..... Don't tell Tanjirou." I begged as tears formed in my eyes.

I was about to cry, I have been deceived by others time and time again when I was younger and I really didn't want to feel that pain again, plus I really don't like being embarrassed. I've already had enough of that for the day.

"UGH, Jesus Christ! I never said I was gonna tell! It's annoying when you cry so stop!" Inosuke snapped at me. Even though he told me not to, tears streamed down my face, not sad tears, happy ones.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH, I WILL BE ETERNALLY GRATEFUL FOR THIS MOMENT!! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD BE THIS NICE!" I shouted as I leapt towards Inosuke for a hug, but because Inosuke was raised by boars he thought I was attacking him.

"What the hell Konitsu?!? ARE YOU CHALLENGING ME?!?" He yelled, "COME AT ME BRO!!"

Luckfully Tanjirou heard the commotion and jumped in to stop the uncalled for fight. If it wasn't for him I would probably be dead. Now because of this incident we have learned not to hug Inosuke out of nowhere.


The last bell of the day rang and I packed up my things to get ready to go, as I walked outside I looked over to the cherry blossom tree and got an amazing idea. After that I ran to catch up with Tanjirou, Inosuke, and of course Nezuko-chan.

"You ready to go Zenitsu?" Tanjirou asked me


We started to walk past the school gates, but as we did I grabbed Nezuko-chan's arm telling her to wait.

"Yes, Zenitsu-kun?"

Come on, you can do it, don't back down!!

"W-well I, umm."


I looked Nezuko-chan straight in the eyes and blushed nervously,

"U-Um, Welcome to Kimetsu High School!" I smiled as I pulled out my surprise, it was a flower crown I had made from the cherry blossoms. I handed it to her with a nervous smile and shaky sweaty hands. My face was burning up and I couldn't stop shaking. Nezuko-chan looked at the flower crown and giggled, she put it on her head and blushed. Then she grabbed my hand, smiled and said,

"Thank you, Zenitsu-kun."

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now