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I originally made this for a friend's birthday because we both love Zenitsu,

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I originally made this for a friend's birthday because we both love Zenitsu,

but why not share it with you too?

This is another way of thanking you for enjoying my story!

Thank you, and here is the next one-shot!!

(Oh and yes I know some Japanese so I wrote his name.)

Nezuko's POV:

On my way to class one day I heard people gossiping, from the way they were looking at me I could tell it was either about Zenitsu-kun or me, maybe both. And I guess I was right because that's when I heard it:

"Did ya hear?"

"No, what is it?"

"Apparently Zenitsu might be cheating on Nezuko with Kanao!"

"Oh no! Really?"

When I heard that my heart actually stopped, but then I just brushed it off. I know Zenitsu-kun is loyal to me so I shouldn't be acting like this over some dumb gossip, it's just a rumor! Rumors are usually just a bunch of made up things balled up into one huge lie, so it probably wasn't true. Even though I know this, it kept replaying in my head making me feel more panicky. I got really scared that it might be true,

Zenitsu-kun would never!

I love him and he loves me.

It's definitely not true, it's a school rumor!

He can't even go a couple hours without cuddling me or screaming like: "Ne! Zu! Ko! Chaannn~!"

Wait.......what if he's just doing that to trick me-

NO! You're overthinking it Nezuko!!

I ignored the swirling thoughts in my head and hurried along to class, picking up the pace to my casual walk making it into a speed walk as I tried to get away from that horrible rumor that seemed to be chasing me, never leaving me alone, just staying in the back of my mind.

Just the thought of it being true made me want to cry, Zenitsu-kun means a lot to me so losing him would hurt. I want to trust him, which I do! But, that rumor made me start thinking about things I would never want to happen. The more I thought about it the worse it got.

I sat in class and the terrible idea still didn't leave my head, making me more and more worried. It even got to the point where I teared up a bit thinking about it,

"Nezuko, can you answer the question to number two please?"



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