First Impressions

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"This is my little sister Nezuko! She is coming to our school this year!" I looked at Tanjiro and then back to his sister, she had beautiful dark brown hair that faded to orange at the ends, her eyes shined a bright light pink, she also looked really good in her school uniform. I've seen her before when I went to Tanjirou's house to hangout but I have never actually met her officially so I was kinda freaking out. I always thought she was pretty and here she was right in front of me! Pretty girls make my heart flutter like crazy to the point where I become clumsy and I can't speak. I was a hot mess.

"Hello! I'm Kamado Nezuko! I've seen you two before!"

Hearing her song-like voice snapped me out of my trance, I immediately turned red. Shit

"U-Um Hi." I replied while avoiding eye contact, "I'm A-Agatsuma Zenitsu, n-nice to meet you." Dammit why can't I just talk like a normal person?! Why am I-

Before I could finish that thought Inosuke ran up to Nezuko-chan and pushed me out of the way. I was so flustered I lost my balance and ended up tripping. While Inosuke was busy challenging her to fight I laided face first in the dirt. I slowly sat up embarrassed but suddenly I saw a hand reach out to help me up. "Oh than-" I began to say but I stopped dead in my tracks.

It was her, Nezuko-chan. She helped me up. My face flushed a crimson color and I started sweating. I was frozen.

"Hey are you okay? Your face is red and your nose is bleeding."

I looked down and realized that I because I fell face first I hit my nose on the ground. Dammit.

"U-U-uh, I'm f-fine. It's really n-no big d-deal." Stammered pathetically

I was eternally screaming, I did not know what to do.  My stomach was twisting and turning. I was even shaking a little!

"Here, lemme help you." Nezuko-chan offered while pulling out a tissue for my nosebleed.

"Eh? You d-don't have to! I-I'm fine!" I blurted out. My face was a mess. This wasn't enough to stop Nezuko-chan, she was too kind just like her brother. Nezuko-chan leaned closer to me which freaked me out a bit.

"W-wait a minute, what are y-you-" I started to ask but was soon interrupted by something unexpected.

    "Eh?" I stood there confused for a second but then my face was bright red once again. Nezuko-chan was standing there, her face close to mine, holding a tissue to the bridge of my nose.


I looked at Nezuko-chan and we made eye contact and to my surprise she was also blushing a bit. The longer I looked at her the more nervous I got so I ended up looking away. We stood there, together, in that moment for what felt like decades. Silence, there was no noise except for the birds singing. The sun rising in the background. It was beautiful. I had this warm fuzzy feeling in my chest. Time seemed to stop and the surroundings around me slowly disappeared until it was just me and her. I wanted to stay there the rest of the day. Alone. With Her.

"Hey Gonpachirou, what are they doing?" Inosuke asked with concern.

"She is helping Zenitsu fix his bloody nose, but he has been acting a little weird, and my name is Tanjirou."


Then the bell rang signaling us to go inside for first period. Thankfully my nosebleed stopped just in time, although I did want to stay with her a little longer. I thanked Nezuko-chan for her help and with that, Tanjirou, Inosuke, and I walked off to class.

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