Rainy Days

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I slowly opened my eyes to be woken up by the delicate sound of the rain hitting my window along with the roof of the Butterfly Estate. The sunlight struggled to shine through the clouds, making my room appear to have a darkish, gloomy atmosphere. The faint smell of moisture from the rain filled my lungs. I sat up and looked out my window, grey clouds surrounded the area as I watched the raindrops drip down the glass and fall from the sky. Overall it made the start of the day seem very calming, it gave off the vibe of a day to relax and just do whatever.

But then I heard something that made me nervous. Unlike anyone else, I can hear when a storm will start thanks to my ears, and that's exactly what I heard. The muffled sound of thunder in the distance. Don't get me wrong, I love rainy days, but there's one thing about them that I absolutely cannot handle:


Ever since I was struck with lightning as a kid, I have always hated thunderstorms with a burning passion. They give me so much anxiety, it makes me terrified that I might get unlucky and get hit with lightning again. They scare me so bad to the point where I'll cry and find some place to hide like a dog hiding underneath a bed.

Though, I have a problem. I have yet to tell Nezuko-chan about this fear of mine, because I'm scared that she might think that it's stupid like many other people I've told. I know I shouldn't feel this way, but so many people have made fun of me for it so it's kinda hard to tell people about it. The only people who know the full story are Tanjirou and Inosuke, though Inosuke still sometimes teases me about it.

I let out a long sigh,

It'll be fine!

I shouldn't be scared of something that can't hurt me, it'll only harm me if I go outside WHILE it's storming.

Well.....it did hurt me though.

A lot.


At least now I have cool hair.

I didn't need to tell Nezuko-chan just yet. According to what I heard, it wasn't going to storm until later. So I decided to push it aside for now. There was no need to worry.


To try and get my mind off it I went for a little stroll around the Butterfly Estate, when I was walking I noticed Nezuko-chan sitting out on the porch.

"Ah, Nezuko-chan!" She turned around, "What are you doing out here?"

I sat down next to her, she smiled. "Oh, I'm just watching the rain." Nezuko-chan sighed, "I was gonna go outside today but it started raining. Oh well...."

I frowned, she seemed a tiny bit sad which made me feel bad. I didn't want her to be upset so I decided to find a way to cheer her up. I crossed my arms and thought for a second. My face lit up when I got a great idea, I stood up and ran out into the rain. Nezuko-chan arched one of her eyebrows in confusion,

"Eh? What are you doing?"

I turned back around and laughed, "Just because it's raining doesn't mean we can't have any fun! Getting a little wet wouldn't hurt, right?" I held out my hand, "Come on!"

Nezuko-chan smiled, "Yeah, I guess you're right!" She walked over to me and took my hand. I moved my hair out of my face, Nezuko-chan giggled,

"You look super cute with wet hair."

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