Crimson Crankiness

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This is by far probably my favorite drawing of them, and yeah that's my actual handwriting in the speech bubbles, I tried to make it a little more readable lmao

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This is by far probably my favorite drawing of them, and yeah that's my actual handwriting in the speech bubbles, I tried to make it a little more readable lmao.

Also quick heads up like last chapter: School is starting soon for me so that means I'm going to struggle to find time to write. Hopefully I will be able to do so and continue :D But anyways here's the chapter~

Request: "Nezuko is on her period days and Zenitsu takes care of her." ~Michy_Kanzaki

Sooo if you feel uncomfortable about this topic, sorry, but it's a natural part of life and I feel like we should accept it be able to talk about it. Plus it makes a great storyline if you ask me lol

Ooh, I also took two mini requests, one from Setneb7 about Zenitsu deciding to do something nice for Aoi because he always makes her mad, but then both Nezuko and Inosuke get a little jealous and upset. And the other one was from Solarpeace6 where Tanjirou and Inosuke find Zen and Nezuko cuddling <3

Welp, there you go! I hope you enjoy!

Nezuko's POV:

"Aw, dangit. I knew it." I sighed as I laid in bed. I had woken up way later than I wanted to, and it was all because it was that time of month again-- where ladys have to deal with one of the most dreadful parts of womanhood: being on their period. I could clearly feel that I was bleeding as I shifted positions in my bed, but thankfully I prepared for that last night by putting on a pad. I can always tell when I'm about to start because of the clues my body gives me-- slight cramps, moody-ness, and exhaustion. One of the reasons I always end up staying in bed really long.

I can also tell when Kanao and Aoi are having lady issues from the way they act. Kanao will be a bit more quiet than usual, but if something ticks her off she'll be passive aggressive like Shinobu-san, one of her go-to techniques is The Silent Treatment. Though she rarely does this to my brother, Tanjirou still worries when she doesn't talk to him, so he tries to make her laugh or spark up a conversation. If that doesn't work he'll just hug her, comforting her with his words.

Meanwhile Aoi on the other hand, her cranky and stubborn attitude gets toned up 5 times. The smallest inconvenience, like getting wet while washing a spoon, might make her feel like the world is turning against her, which results in her being distant, not wanting anyone to bother her. Because of this, Inosuke gets really upset, but instead of being angry he's sad. He'll act all clingy and gentle towards her, looking like a toddler as he refuses to let go of her. He doesn't understand what's up with her too well, but he just hopes she's not mad at him.

As for Zenitsu-kun and me, I have super bad cramps when I'm menstruating, it makes me irritated and snappy. I don't mean to be! But it's just hard. And because of that reason, Zenitsu-kun likes to refer to this time as Demon Week.

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