Noisy Dandelion

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I'm a pretty loud person, or so everyone says.

Most people say that it's rare for me to be quiet for a long amount of time, it even got to the point where Inosuke challenged me to go a day without crying or screaming, I would have won if Inosuke didn't pull a terrible prank on me. Since I lost the bet, as a consequence I had to be Inosuke's sparring partner, which did not end well for me.

I know it can be kinda annoying, but can you blame me? The world is a scary place so I can't help but cry sometimes! I think it's okay to let out your feelings when you need to, even if that does mean being a bit loud.

Though ever since I've been with Nezuko-chan I learnt to be a little less noisy, especially after what happened recently because of my crying. I still am a crybaby though, what can I say? That's just how I am.

Nezuko's POV:

It was the weekend and I recently got an assignment from school. It was a big science project that my teacher had broken into pieces. The first part I was working on was quite simple, I had to pick a plant to research and write an essay on it. After some thinking I decided to pick the plant most precious to me:


I choose them because they remind me of Zenitsu-kun, he really does resemble them a lot. His bright personality and of course his dandelion-like hair. In fact, the first thing I thought when I saw him was: 'He's just like a dandelion.'

I was in my room getting all the supplies to begin my research, a book, paper, a pencil and pencil sharpener, and some water to stay hydrated. I sat down at my desk and organized everything so nothing would be out of order, that way the process of completing my assignment would be smooth and easy. Finally, I picked up my pencil ready to take notes, grabbed my book, turned to the first page, and


Before I could even begin, Zenitsu-kun needed me. Honestly it's pretty cute when he calls for me, I feel happy whenever I hear his voice. I got up and cheerfully walked downstairs to where he was, that's when I found him in the kitchen. He looked a bit upset and seemed like he was looking for something. I went over to him to see what was wrong,

"What is it? What are you looking for?"

Zenitsu-kun sighed, "Nezuko-chan.......Do you know where my leftover rice balls are?"

I arched one of my eyebrows, "I put them in the fridge like always."

"But I looked in there and I didn't see them!"

"Huh? Are you sure?" I went over to the fridge and opened it, "Zenitsu-kun there right here."

"Where? I don't see them!" I giggled and pointed at them,

"Ohhhh!" Zenitsu-kun beamed, "Thank you!"

I laughed, "Ahhh, you really are hopeless sometimes."

Zenitsu-kun chuckled and grabbed a rice ball, "Well, sorry! I swear I looked there!" He brought the rice ball up to his face to eat it, but before he could I leaned closer to him and took a bite out the corner of it. Zenitsu-kun's cheeks flared up in a reddish hue,


"Mmmh~!" I giggled, "Those are tasty!"

Zenitsu-kun smiled and took a bite out of the same rice ball that I did. I reached out and rustled his hair which made him blush even more,

"Well, enjoy your food!" I turned around and ran back upstairs to my room.

"Thanks Nezuko-chan!!"

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