Operation: K-I-S-S

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"Hey, dandelion, can you pass me that spray over there?" Nezuko-chan pointed to a spray bottle on her desk among a bunch of other fancy-looking hair products I've never seen before, no wonder she has such luscious hair.

I was in Nezuko-chan's room just hanging out as I waited for her to finish, "Uh, alright!" I walked over to her desk and grabbed it. I could feel my cheeks were hot and most likely flushed a light rose, "But, w-why do you insist that I'm a 'dandelion?' I've been trying to figure it out and I still don't know. A-Am I really that short to you? Is that a bad thing?"

Nezuko-chan took the bottle from me and smiled, "Oh, Zenitsu-kun, you really are clueless sometimes. Didn't I tell you?" She laughed, "You're blonde hair reminds me of yellow dandelion petals! And your sweet personality matches it too!"

She shook her head, "It's not because you're short like a flower, dummy!"

"Ohhh! Okay!"

"....I-I still don't get it."

Nezuko-chan bursted out laughing, "Oh well, I guess you just don't see it like I do." She tilted her head and looked in my eyes, "But do you not like that nickname? I can change-"

"N-No!" I interrupted her. Once I realized I did, I blushed and looked away, fiddling with my fingers, "I....I like that nickname. It makes me h-happy."

"Okay, if you say so.......dandelion~" Hearing her say it like that made my face heat up even more, my heart thumping in my chest.

While Nezuko did her hair I decided to distract myself, so I just looked around her room-- her closet, bed, dressers, desk, and her bookshelf, the one I was standing next to. I just observed all the books that were set up all nice and neat on each shelf, some being school textbooks, novels, fantasy stories, but the one that caught my eye was a blank pink book.

From what I could see it had no title on the spine so I had no idea what it could be about, that only made my curiosity grow. I pulled it off the shelf carefully to make sure I wouldn't mess up the other perfectly aligned books. I turned it around in my hands as I continued to look at it.

Huh? No title on the front either.

What is this?

I opened the book to the first page: "This belongs to Kamado Nezuko, please return if lost.  •◡•"

I smiled.

Oh! So Nezuko-chan is writing her own book! That's so cool!!

Intrigued, I flipped through the book, skimming through it and reading a bit. Also admiring Nezuko-chan's beautiful handwriting, it's so neat and pretty, it's like one of those perfect doctor's notes, when it's not too cursive-y so you can't read it but it's still swirly and cool. But the more I read on, the more confused I got, this was one weird book for sure. Why was there a date written in every corner of the page where the next paragraph of text starts? Where was the plot? What is this about? And who the heck is this person she's talking about?

Hmmm......."Thoughtful." "Soft hearted." "Cute twerp." "Sparkly, golden eyes." "Triangle hoodie." "Dandelion hair-"

W-Wait a hot second.....this person....they sound an awful lot like....


It was at this moment I realized this wasn't a book, this was a diary-- Nezuko-chan's diary. My whole face started to burn up, I turned bright red. I went on and on just reading about how wonderful I am, dates flying by like a paper airplane: August 2nd.... August 19th.... September 1st.... My heart was fluttering so much from all the compliments, but I was so flustered at the same time.

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