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I looked around the room and saw that everyone had their eyes on me. I looked over at Inosuke and then at Nezuko-chan. In a split second my face went from pale, to bright red.

"Come on!!! Can you not do it??" Inosuke teased me, "Scaredy Cat!"

My brain malfunctioned.

"I....uh. I-I mean, I, d-don't-" I stuttered while sweating bullets. My heart was beating at the speed of lightning.

"Speak up! I can't hear you!!"

My face blew up. I was so flustered. Dammit Inosuke!! I knew I shouldn't have told you!! My stomach was in knots and I felt like I was gonna die. Tanjirou can't find out now! He would kill me!!

"H-Hey are you okay Zenitsu? Your face is really red and you're shaking a little." Tanjirou asked me as I eternally died inside.

I looked over at him and then to his sister. I completely shut down. Literally. I was so shaken up by what Inosuke had said that I fainted. Why am I like this?


A few minutes later I woke up to something cold on my forehead,

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Tanjirou holding an ice pack to my head.

"Huh? What the hell happened?!" I yelled as I sat up.

Nezuko-chan giggled, she came over to me and sat down,

"You had another nosebleed and fainted." She explained

My heart sank to my stomach.

"Did I really?" I nervously asked. "How long was I unconscious?"

"Oh don't worry It was only two minutes dumbass." Inosuke laughed as he threw a pillow at my face. "Your nosebleed because you look at Nezuko!"

I blushed and protested,

"N-No no no! I'm sure it's just the h-hot weather! W-why would it be that?? Ha ha.....that's just crazy!"

That was a huge lie, and Tanjirou probably caught on, but it's not my fault! If I didn't say anything then things would get even more awkward. This sleepover was basically a disaster already!!

Tanjirou stood up and changed the subject, "Well, since we're done playing games why don't we start watching movies? I'll make the popcorn!!"

I agreed with him and said, "Yeah, great idea!" to get the attention off of me. Inosuke jumped up from the floor,

"I get to pick the movies!!" He shouted as he ran out of the room along with Tanjirou who went to get snacks. This left me and Nezuko-chan alone, in the same room. 

My anxiety skyrocketed. I had no idea what to do! I wanted to say something so it wouldn't be awkward silence but words wouldn't form in my head! I looked over at Nezuko-chan and to my surprise she seemed nervous too! I frowned. Crap! I probably made her feel uncomfortable! She probably thinks I'm weird. I feel so bad!!

Nezuko-chan turned to look at me,

"You..... don't have to feel bad." She said as she looked into my eyes with a sincere look.

I was confused, wait can she hear my thoughts?? How did she know how I felt?

"I-I know, it's just-" I started to apologize but was cut off by Nezuko-chan putting her finger to my lips, telling me to be quiet. My cheeks flushed a crimson color.

Nezuko-chan grabbed my hands and looked at me with rosy cheeks,

"Shhh, you did nothing wrong. The goal is to have fun right? So don't sweat it!" She comforted me,

"A dandelion isn't supposed to frown."

She tightened the grip on my hands and smiled. Her smile was so sweet and kind, I don't think I've ever seen anything like it before, she also had really soft hands and they were really warm just like sunlight from your window that would gently wake you up on the weekend. We both blushed as we stared into each other eyes, I have never felt this way before.

I smiled.

" I interrupting something?"

We both jumped at the sound of someone's voice and let go of each other's hand immediately, we turned around to see Inosuke in the doorway with a very confused expression.

"I.... got the movies."

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now