Info II

3.5K 73 47


You just read an 100 page fanfic that I came up with at 5am.

(About 23,718 words)

No but seriously, thank you so much for reading! It really means a lot to me, I put all lot of effort into this story and I'm glad you enjoyed it!!

All the love, support and the nice comments make me really happy!

(Really, when I first started getting comments I was so happy I was actually screaming. 😅)

Anyways now that I'm done thanking you, I have some things to address.


For those of you wondering, yes the chapter 'I'm Yours' was SUPPOSED to be the last chapter.

BUT like many of you, 

I really don't wan't the story to end!! T-T

(I literally cried when I wrote the ending.)

I had a lot of fun writing this! And plus I feel like it ended too quick, (but that's probably cuz I wrote a chapter EVERY SINGLE DAY.)

But this brings me to my next point, because I really enjoyed writing this, I came up with an idea. 

I might do like little short stories of cute couple stuff they do, like maybe a first date. Then again I would eventually run out of ideas. 

That's where I need you! 

Please feel free to comment some ideas I could put in the story! And yes I still have suggestions from other chapters in the book that I will try to use. 

But please keep in mind, I still am not that good of a writer. So if your idea doesn't get picked, I probably couldn't figure out how to make it work in the story, or I had no idea how to write it.

(If I do choose this idea for the short stories, then I most likely won't update until I can come up with how to put one of your ideas, or mine, into the story.)

However, there is still a chance I might not choose this option and I'll choose to leave the story here. (This is unlikely though so don't hold back on commenting.)


That doesn't mean there won't be more,



From your lovely suggestions, I have been thinking about doing a Tanjirou x Kanao


Inosuke x Aoi

I have thought about it for awhile and have come to the conclusion that I might do the Tanjirou x Kanao first, only because I have a good idea for the plot. 

But I am still thinking so I won't update on it soon. 

I hope the next story does well to, but if it doesn't at least I will have fun writing it. :)

Now I have one more thing to say in this 'info' section, 

there is also a chance,

That I might do the short stories and the Tanjirou x Kanao


If I do both, there will probably be slow updates. Unless I end up writing everyday again so how.

Now this brings me to the last point I have to bring up

A Little Reminder

Before I continue, I can tell you guys are sweet people and I don't really have to say this,


I still am.

Just remember that I have my own outside life, including online school.

(Which can be really stressful at times for me.)

I also draw too and because I have been writing everyday (don't get me wrong, I also love writing too) I haven't been able to draw barely anything in this past MONTH.


I might take a tiny 

itty bitty 


break from writing.

Don't worry though! I only mean a couple days, like maybe 5 or 7. Not anything crazy like a year or months.

I will be back really soon, when I get an idea for plot for the other stories,


when you guys give me ideas for Dandelion.

Thanks again


If you read all of this,

thank you so much!!

Sorry that this was quite long.

Once again thank you for reading Dandelion!! I cannot express how happy I am to almost have 5k reads!!

Thanks for the awesome comments and votes too!


I have nothing else to say so

See you guys later!

Be back soon!!

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