Cookies & Cupcakes

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We walked back inside, our cheeks still rosy from the cold. Nezuko-chan turned to look back at me, "Hey I was gonna bake some treats, do you wanna help?"

My face started to burn up from embarrassment, I looked away,

"I-I.......don't know h-how to bake." Nezuko-chan smiled and grabbed my hand,

"I'll teach you!" She gushed as she pulled me into the kitchen. Nezuko-chan handed me an apron and chuckled, "Knowing you, you're gonna need this." I laughed,

"Hey! That's not fair!! You're messy too!" I put on my apron and looked over to Nezuko-chan, who seemed to be struggling with her's. I walked over to where she was,

"Let me help you." I said as I grabbed the strings to her apron and started to tie them for her. She turned around, her face burning up,

"Ah! Th-Thank you."

I finished and stepped back. Nezuko-chan led me over to the counter, "Here, you can make the chocolate chip cookies. I'll give you instructions." She pointed across the room, "If you need anything I'll be over there making cupcakes!"

I smiled and replied with "All right, thanks!" I followed all of the instructions that she gave me and put the ingredients in one big bowl, the problem was mixing it. I couldn't get the bowl to stay still and it was becoming a big mess. All of a sudden I felt someone grab my hand and hold the bowl for me. I turned around and my whole face turned red,

Nezuko-chan was right behind me, holding both of my hands, helping me stir. "You do it like this...." She whispered as she guided my hand in a circular motion while keeping the bowl in place. My face was burning up, she was so close to me, she was basically hugging my body!! Her hands were really warm too. I turned around and looked at her, just like me her face was glowing a crimson hue.


She gradually let go of me and put her hand on my shoulder, "There you go! Now you're getting it." She smiled at me with rosy cheeks. I chuckled, my face still red,

"Y-Yeah....thank you..." Nezuko-chan walked back to the other counter and continued to make cupcakes. I was still a bit flustered but ignored it and mixed the batter. While I was putting a the cookie dough on a pan l to put in the oven, Nezuko-chan called for me to help with something,

"Hey, Zenitsu-kun?"

I turned around, "U-Um yes?"

"Can you come here for a second?" I walked over to where she was standing,

"What is it?" Nezuko-chan giggled as she turned around, she took her piping bag and put a dollop of frosting on the tip of my nose,


My cheeks flushed a crimson hue, "H-Hey!" I took and extra piping bag she had and did the same to her,


I wrapped my arm around her and we both laughed. We were both laughing so much, we didn't notice Inosuke was spying on us,

"Ah! My heart!! That is so cute~" He whispered as he walked by.


Soon we finished making the treats and was time to actually bake them, Nezuko-chan put the cookies and cupcakes in the oven and turned back to me,

"These won't be done for a while, so let's go see what the other's are doing."

I nodded, "Yeah!"

As soon as when walked out of the kitchen Inosuke came running up to us with stars in his eyes,

"GUYS!! It's snowing again!!" I laughed,

"I thought you said snow was stupid?"

"That doesn't matter now!! Come on, let's have a snowball fight!! Tanjirou's coming too!" He dragged both of us out into the hallway,

"Woah! Wait a minute!! Can I at least get changed into warmer clothes? Also I'm covered in powdered sugar and chocolate."

Nezuko-chan agreed, "Yeah, same for me."

Inosuke sighed, "Fine! Just hurry before it stops snowing!!"

"Okay!" We both shouted as we ran off to our rooms. I started to change into warmer clothes, but I was in such a hurry I forgot to lock my door. Just as I was putting on my sweater I heard something.

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