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I have a problem, I sleepwalk.

I've always had this issue since the day I could remember. I have been told so many stories of dumb stuff I have done while unconscious:

One time I destroyed my entire room, blankets on the ground, pillows across the room, I even broke my mirror. It was a huge mess.

Another time, I woke up clinging to Tanjirou because I thought he was Nezuko-chan, thankfully he wasn't weirded out.

Heck! I've even killed a huge, poisonous spider that was in the Butterfly Estate.

People often tell me I'm like a completely different person when I'm asleep, like a switch that clicks on and off. Apparently I sleep-fight too, it's all because of Gramps. He taught me how to defend myself, so now what he showed me comes as an instinct when I'm sleeping. In my freshman year of highschool, I was being bullied by a bunch of Seniors. They scared me so bad one day I fainted, according to Tanjirou and Inosuke, I fought them off all while being out cold. After that they never bothered me again.

Usually when I sleepwalk nothing bad happens, just a harmless walk around the Butterfly Estate then back to my room. But recently, this problem of mine has gotten a bit weirder. Last night, I did one of the craziest things in my sleep. Although it was strange, I don't regret it.

Not a single bit.


It was nighttime and I was sound asleep in my bed. After a while like usual, I slowly got up and began sleepwalking around my room. Eventually I found my way to my door and stumbled out into the hallway. Aoi, who was just getting ready for bed after doing some late night chores, watched in confusion as I walked downstairs. She sighed to herself,

"Welp, he's back at it again...." Aoi continued to her room.

I made it downstairs and went into the kitchen, I wandered around for a bit until I stopped by the counter when there was a cookie jar. Nezuko-chan had baked some chocolate chip cookies earlier that day and had put the rest of them in that jar. I guess I was a bit hungry, because I opened the jar and started to eat some of them, getting crumbs on my face.

"Eh?! What the- Why are you down here?" Inosuke walked into the kitchen to see me eating the leftover cookies, "I thought I was the only one who got midnight snacks."

Inosuke walked over to me and snapped his fingers in my face, I didn't respond. "Hey! Answer me!" He tilted his head and realized I was asleep. Then I muttered something that he quite couldn't make out,

"Tsk, what a weirdo. He's dead asleep, eating in the middle of the night. Who does that?" He scoffed as he also snuck a cookie and a rice ball from inside the fridge. I finished my last cookie and put the jar back on the counter. Then I proceeded to drag my feet back upstairs, but unlike every other time, I passed my room. I think I felt extra attached to Nezuko-chan that day, because her door is where I ended up going.

Nezuko's POV:

I was in my room staring at my ceiling, struggling to fall asleep. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my door slowly swing open, I sat up and turned to see what it was. Tall, bright blond hair, it was Zenitsu-kun. As the door opened more I got a better look at him, his hair was messy like he was tossing and turning in his sleep, he was wearing oversized pajamas, his hands weren't showing through his sleeves. Shinobu-san must have given him the wrong size, I giggled.

"Oh, Zenitsu-kun! What are you doing?"

He didn't respond, he just stood there.

I tilted my head in confusion, "Is something wrong?"

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