Just Us Two

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Okay so I have some bad new, I'll just get straight to the point:

So my online school is starting up in a few days and I'll have to be working, because of that I have to focus on my school work which brings me to the bad news:

Sadly this may or may not be the last one-shot, (Ah it hurts to type this) like I said I have to focus on school soon so I won't have time to come up with ideas, plan it out, and then write it. (But then again I was kinda able to do that last year in school, that's why it may or may NOT be the last one.)

If it is the last one then thank you so much for reading Dandelion! I'm so happy you enjoyed it, it means so much to me!! I posted this story thinking nobody would read it, but here I am with 26k reads, a bunch of votes and comments, and if you look up Zenitsu x Nezuko you'll see my story if you click on Wattpad. Like guys, you have no idea how glad I am that you took the time out of your life to read MY story, thank you!!

And if you're reading this just know you are an amazing person who can do amazing things, if you're thinking about creating a story like me don't let your fears hold you back! You can do it! But anyway I hope you have a great day, I hope you're doing well and if you're not I hope you get better soon, you are awesome!! :) <3

Okay, enough with the cheesy, sad stuff.

Here is the next one-shot:

Just Us Two

I leapt towards Nezuko-chan, surprising her by wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug, "Hellooo beautiful~!"

"Wah!" Nezuko-chan was very startled, she tried to pry me off of her, "Z-Zenitsu-kun! Not right now...!" She blushed a bit, "P-Please let go....!"

I whined and pouted, "But, Whyyy? Are you mad at me...? Nezuko-chan...."

"I'm not in the mood today." She finally got me to let go, I gave her another one of my frowny faces.

"Ehhhhhh?? But I thought you loved me~?"

Nezuko-chan sighed but then giggled, she flicked my forehead, I cried out in pain.


"Well, of course I love you, you dummy! Why would you think that? I'm just not feeling well right now."

I instantly got worried, "Oh nooo!! My poor princess!! What's wrong?! Are you sick?! Should I call the doc-" Nezuko-chan pushed her index finger up to my lip, shutting me up.

She shook her head, "No.....I'm just really tired and I have a headache." She explained, "I've been stressing out over the huge load of school projects and work I've been getting, and because of that I haven't been sleeping that well either. I'm not mad at you, Zenitsu-kun. Why would I? You haven't done anything."

Nezuko-chan took her hand and rustled my hair, "But don't worry! I'll be back to my normal self in no time!"

"Okay....." I slowly nodded.

It was finally Saturday and a super exhausting week of school had just come to an end, we had to go through a bunch of rough exams, pop quizzes, and a mountain of study guides and homework on top of that. It was so much it sometimes felt the school day was dragged on longer even when you were at home. It seemed to take a big toll on Nezuko-chan who wasn't acting like herself as she said, even her cheery sound had a slight change in tone and mood, it wasn't too drastic though.

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now