Embrace Me

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I blinked and looked around, "Wh-What is going on?" I wiped my face, "Why am I all w-wet?!"

Inosuke cackled, "You were about to faint again so I threw water on you." I sat there and thought for a second,

"Ohhh.....I remember now." Nezuko-chan turned to me and handed me a towel,

"Um, here you go." I blushed as I took it from her,

"O-Oh, thanks...." Tanjirou walked over to me and used the back of his hand to touch my forehead again,

"Good, you seem to be okay now," He turned to everyone, "Well, it's getting late so how about we watch some movies, they're supposed to come on any minute now." All of us agreed and sat in front of the TV. With snacks like mochi and popcorn, we got wrapped up in blankets, turned on the TV, and waited for the movie to start. Unfortunately the first movie that played was called Kibutsuji Muzan, a horror movie about a demon that punishes children on Christmas for misbehaving.

The whole time I mostly hid under my blanket, crying from being terrified. I really don't like demons, they scare the crap out of me! But things got better when Nezuko-chan reached out and embraced me, My cheeks immediately turned red. She turned to look at me,

"If you're scared, tell me." She whispered, "I'll hug you tighter."

I looked back at her and noticed her crimson tinted cheeks. I wrapped my arms around her and closed my eyes,


Unlike the last time we watched a horror movie, we were more comfortable being near each other though I was still a bit jittery from the whole mistletoe thing. Her being close to me was very comforting, she would wipe my tears away when I would cry and she would hug me back when I did. Even after the movie was done, we didn't let go of each other. All of us were a bit on edge after watching that movie so we watched How The Twelve Kizuki Stole Christmas to calm down.


The night grew dark and it was now the night before Christmas. I lay away in my bed, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't sleep. Everything that happened kept playing in my mind on repeat, I wanted to be close to her again. I sat up, sighed and put my hands in my hair,

I can't stop thinking about it!!

I got up and decided to go for a quick walk to try to relax. I left my room and went downstairs where the kitchen was. When I did, I noticed a light coming from the living room. I peeked into the room and saw Nezuko-chan sitting by the lit fireplace,

"Nezuko-chan? What are you doing down here?" She jumped at the sound of my voice and turned around,

"O-Oh! I couldn't sleep." She tilted her head, "Why are you down here?"

I blushed, "I-I couldn't s-sleep either..." Nezuko-chan patted the ground next to her telling me to 'sit down'. I quickly walked over to where she was and sat down next to her, she smiled at me, then looked back to the flickering fireplace,

"It got a bit chilly down here so I turned on the fireplace, though I am still a bit cold...."

I looked over at Nezuko-chan, her face illuminated by the glow of the fire, without a second thought I reached out and wrapped my arm around her,

"A-Ah!" Nezuko-chan gasped. My cheeks started to burn up and I hurriedly let go of her,

"Oh! I'm s-sorry!!" I turned away and fiddled with my fingers, "Y-You said you were c-cold so I th-thought-"

Nezuko-chan interrupted me, "N-No no! It's okay! You just s-startled me..." She looked me in the eyes with rosy cheeks,

"I.......I want you to hug me." Hearing this made me blush even more, my heart started to flutter,

"O-Okay..." I said as I timidly wrapped my arm around her again. Nezuko-chan could tell that I got shy, so she took her hand and pulled me closer for a tighter embrace. My face flushed a red hue, I hugged her back. She was so close to me her cheek was touching mine! Nezuko-chan pulled away a little bit to look at me,

"Thank you...."

I smiled, "Y-You're welcome."

Just then the clocks chimed, it was now 12:00pm. Christmas Day. Nezuko-chan hugged me tighter,

"Merry Christmas, Zenitsu-kun."

I looked into her eyes that seemed to be twinkling like stars,

"Merry Christmas." I blushed, we both sat there by the fire, just looking at each other. Her touch was so warm and nice, I started to feel all fuzzy again. In that moment, deep down inside me I really wanted to kiss her again, even though I was scared to. What surprised me was that she slowly leaned closer to me like she wanted to too. Without thinking, my body leaned towards her too. Our foreheads touched again like before, Nezuko-chan lovingly placed her soft hand on my cheek and gazed into my eyes. With our bodies against each other, her intoxicating scent washed over me and the soothing warmth consumed both of us. Nezuko-chan closed her eyes and moved even closer,

"Why are you guys down here so late?" Nezuko-chan and I both instantly let go of each other, we turned around to see Inosuke with a confused expression. Our faces turned red,

"N-Nothing!!" We said in unison. I squinted my eyes,

"A better question would be why are you down here?!" Inosuke laughed,

"Oh! Haha!! I always come down here for a midnight snack!"

I sighed, so that's where my last rice ball went....

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now