Tanjirou's Invitation

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The first week of school went by surprisingly fast and soon it was already Friday. It was the end of the day at school when Tanjirou came up to me.

"Hey Zenitsu! Do you have a second?" He shouted as he ran up to me,

"Uh yeah what is it?" I curiously asked.

"Oh, I was wondering if you would like to have a sleepover with me and Nezuko at my house on Saturday. I invited Inosuke as well!"

"Ah! That would be so much fun! Sure I'll come!"

"Great! That means all of the guests are coming!! I'll go tell Nezuko!" Tanjirou gushed with excitement as he turned around to go find nezuko to tell her but,

"Wait," I suddenly blurted out, Tanjirou turned back around to see what was wrong,

"Hm? What's wrong?" asked a confused Tanjirou.

"D-Did you say, with Nezu-" I began to ask before I cut myself off, blush took over my entire face. Shit Shit Shit! Not now! Not in front of Tanjirou!!

"Eh? Are you okay? What's wron-"

"GAHH!!! N-NOTHING!!! NOTHING I-IS WRONG!! I'M F-FINE!!!" I stuttered back while covering my face and running in the other direction. I ran past the school gates and sprinted in the direction of my house.

"Whaa? What in the-" Tanjirou whispered to himself, he has never seen me act this way before so he was really confused.

Dammit! I shouldn't have ran like that, he probably noticed!! Ah! What am I going to do?! Just the thought of her makes my cheeks flare up!! I thought to myself as I ran at full speed. I barged into the front door of my house, locked the door and dropped my backpack on the ground. I stood there covered in sweat gasping for air.

Why do I get so flustered so easily?!

Soon enough I calmed down and I got changed into my pajamas, just a simple T-shirt and shorts. I flopped onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling. Tomorrow, I'll be sleeping in the same room as Nezuko-chan. Just thinking about that made my anxiety shoot through the roof, although I also was very excited too. I thought of all the fun things we would do like, watch movies, play games, eat snacks!! All of those thoughts made me giggle to myself. I hugged my pillow tightly and my cheeks turned rosy, I laid there drifting into the night with a warm fuzzy feeling spreading throughout my body.  

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