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The sunlight from the window along with the birds chirping slowly awoke me from my deep sleep. I tried to sit up to see if anyone else was awake but for some reason I felt heavier than usual, almost as if something was pulling me down. I yawned and turned my head to see what it was, my eyes widened.

Nezuko-chan was sound asleep, and she was clinging onto my body, hugging me. My face exploded with a red glow and my brain stopped working. "Ne-Nezuko-chan, y-your-" I whispered to her but then I stopped as I slowly felt her wrap her arms around me even more. I was malfunctioning.

"Mmmm, please....protect me...." I heard her mumble in her sleep like she was having a bad dream. That was my limit, I ended passing out from being too flustered. I didn't wake up until 1 hour later when Inosuke threw another pillow at me.

"Ow!" I muttered angrily as I rubbed my eyes, "What the heck was that for?!"

Inosuke chuckled, "Breakfast is ready, lazy ass! Tanjirou is in the kitchen." he said as he walked out of the room, but then he stopped and turned back around.

"And tell your girlfriend to wake up too."

My cheeks were painted red,

"W-Wait a minute, we're not-"

Inosuke scoffed as he walked out of the room, "Say what you want, I still won't believe you. Just look at yourself!"

I looked down and realized that Nezuko-chan was still cuddling me, my face grew even redder. Her grip was so tight and warm. I took a long deep breath to try not to faint again. I reached over and gently shook her to wake her up.

"U-Um, it's t-time to wake up Nezuko-chan." I nervously mumbled. I was a sweaty mess.

She stretched and moved around a bit which resulted in her hand being on my cheek and her head on my chest. JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL!! I AM GONNA PASS OUT!! My heart rate shot through the roof, then I heard her say something in her sleep again.

".....Your my......dandelion."

I laid there at a loss of words, I was so anxious yet happy at the same time that I didn't know what to say. The fuzzy feeling in my chest intensified, Nezuko-chan opened her eyes and yawned.

"Is it.....morning already?" she whispered sleepily as she looked up and saw my crimson complexion,

I sheepishly said, "I-I....umm."

"Hmm? Are you okay?! You're shaking again!" Questioned a concerned Nezuko-chan, she looked down and realized what she was doing. Her face blew up in a bright reddish hue. She jumped up while letting go of my trembling body.

"Ah! I-I'm so sorry!! I didn't kn-know I was-" She frantically apologized until I stopped her,

"I-It's okay!! I mean-" I explained also while stuttering, "Y-You were shivering a-and you told me to p-protect you because you were having a n-nightmare so I th-thought it was okay because you seemed l-like you felt safer in m-my arms-"


When I get flustered I don't think before I speak and I end up saying a lot of embarrassing things. I didn't know what to do so I looked away and fiddled with my fingers. What is wrong with me....?

We sat there, both red in the face, drowning in embarrassment while avoiding eye contact until Nezuko-chan broke the silence.

".......I did feel safe.....so don't feel bad."

I turned around and looked at her,

"J-Just like when we watched that movie....I felt calmer when you hugged me, so th-thanks."

"I-I did too..." I whispered, we both looked at each other and blushed even more. Nezuko-chan stood up,

"For now let's forget about wh-what just happened, I think breakfast is ready." She shyly stammered, I stood up and agreed,


And with that we both walked out of the room and went to the living room to meet up with Tanjirou and Inosuke.

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now