I'm Yours

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"Yes." She gushed, "Yes I will!"

I stood there speechless, the anxious feeling deep inside me turned into warm happiness, it spread throughout my body. I dropped the presents I was holding out of pure shock and excitement, my heart was racing! My eyes filled with tears, I couldn't help it! I pulled her in for a tight embrace and she hugged me back,

"Then.....I'm yours!" I cried as tears ran down my face, happy tears.

Nezuko-chan hugged me even more, she comforted me with her touch. Like earlier, it was all so perfect it felt fake. We stayed like this in that romantic moment, together. Just how I wanted it. I slowly let go of her and wiped away my tears, I looked at her and she looked at me,

"Th-This isn't a dream right?" I sniffed. Nezuko-chan giggled,

"No, it's not." She smiled, "I'll prove it."


Just as I thought it couldn't get any better, I was interrupted when Nezuko-chan suddenly grabbed me by the tie, pulled me down to her level, and kissed me. For real. It happened so fast! The warmth of her lips made the fuzzy feeling take over my whole body once again, my face flushed a bright crimson color. I could feel my heart dancing in my chest. My eyes widened as I tried to comprehend what was going on, I blinked out of pure awe.

This isn't a dream.......Nezuko-chan is kissing me, right now, in real time.

Nezuko-chan pulled away. I stared at her in silence, completely flustered, my face was burning up so much! I wanted to say something but the words wouldn't come out of my mouth, my brain wasn't even working anymore. But for some reason my stomach wasn't in knots and I didn't feel like I was going to faint, I felt nice. Deep down I really enjoyed that kiss, I wanted it to last longer. Then Nezuko-chan snapped out of her daze, realizing what she had just done, her whole complexion glowed bright red,

"Ah! I-I shouldn't have d-done that..." She apologized as she averted her gaze, "I sh-should have asked-"

My body moved on it's own. Without a second thought I placed my hand on her rosy cheek, pulled her towards me, and kissed her. Just like I had been wanting to this whole time, and she closed her eyes and kissed me back. Time seemed to be frozen, both of us stayed there, underneath the cherry blossom tree. With the wind gently blowing, the sun slowly setting, and the warm touch of each other. It was everything I've ever wanted, I could even hear people clapping in the background, but that sound faded away the longer I stayed with her. My nervousness melted away, with her lips on mine I felt safe, peaceful. I wanted to stay like this, with her, forever. But sadly we couldn't,

Nezuko-chan and I both pulled away to catch a breath, we just stared at each other. I looked at the face I loved, her majestic pink eyes, rosy cheeks. Her glossy, slightly parted, cherry tinted lip, and her long, beautiful black hair that flowed in the wind. Nezuko-chan tenderly put her hand on the side of my face where her thumb rested on my cheek,

I blushed, "I love you." I grabbed her hand, "Don't ever forget that."

Nezuko-chan nodded and smiled,

"I love you too." She whispered, "You're my dandelion."

Both of us blushed as we continued to look at each other. Then once again, we slowly leaned forward until our foreheads touched, we closed our eyes. Finally, we leaned closer for another sweet kiss. The kiss that was supposed to happen on Christmas, the kiss we both had been yearning for. We got taken away to paradise. She affectionately placed her hand over my heart and I pulled her closer.

The cold February breeze didn't even bother us anymore, with the warmth of each other we could stay out there all day. Every part of it just felt so right, I fell so deep for her and now she was mine. Her intoxicating scent washed over me, it made it harder for me to resist her. Nezuko-chan pulled away and looked into my eyes. Then she tilted her head for another soft kiss, making me crave for more. The warm, fuzzy, comforting, feeling of love grew stronger, it was basically radiating off of me.

Tanjirou and Inosuke were watching everything. Tanjirou smiled,

"I'm glad-"

Inosuke put his hand in front of Tanjirou's face, "Shhh! You'll ruin the moment..."

Nezuko-chan and I stayed in that magical kiss for what felt like centuries. This was the best day of my life, I've been longing for this moment and now it was happening for real! On Valentine's Day, I was kissing the girl of my dreams, by the cherry blossom tree where I first fell in love with her. And what do you know? She loves me the same way I love her. Nezuko-chan wrapped her arms around my neck, I reached out and hugged her in a tighter embrace.

I absolutely love her with all my heart.

And that's how I got the love of my life to be my girlfriend. It all ended right where it first started, underneath that special cherry blossom tree. I never really understood how love worked, let alone how it felt. But that all changed when I met her, it truly was love at first sight.

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