Pinky Promises

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Before you read, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 20,000 reads!!! 20,000 read?! I never thought this day would come! Like my mind is blown!! I know I say this every time, but it's true! Once again thank you so much for the support, love, votes and comments!

I'm so glad you guys enjoy my story! It makes me so happy I literally wanna cry sometimes!! You guys are the best, don't forget that!!

Okay! Now, as a gift for being gone for awhile, I present you with a 33 page one-shot! Yes, I have no self control so this ended up SUPER long, that's why I was gone for so long lol.

This one-shot is a sequel to the one-shot Mine and the actual chapter Save Me.

Alright! I'm done now! Without further ado, I give you: Pinky Promises

The request by: Rigswt

Zenitsu gets saved by Nezuko

Nezuko's POV:


"Alright everyone, don't forget to do tonight's homework along with studying for the upcoming test on Unit 6!"

Another school day had finished and I was packing up my stuff, excited that I'd finally get to go home, and of course see Zenitsu-kun. I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the classroom into the crowded hallway, full of students rushing to get to their lockers and chatting with friends. You really can feel like you're drowning in it sometimes, just stuck between people trying to find your way, it can be a bit much.

I got to my locker, putting my textbooks away and grabbing others I would need to complete my homework and study, then finally escaping the sea of people getting out into the courtyard, cherry blossoms flowing in the light breeze and the sun slowly setting in the background a bit. I waited at our usual spot, the cherry blossom tree, for Zenitsu-kun to show up, when he did my eyes widened.

"Oh my......what happened to you?!"

Zenitsu-kun looked a bit roughed up, his school uniform had some dirt on it, his hair was messy unlike his tidy self, and his left cheek was flushed a faint red as if he was smacked or hit. All of it concerned me a lot, what in the world happened to him? And who did this? I had so many questions but before I could ask any of them Zenitsu-kun swiftly grabbed my hand, pulling me away towards the gates to exit school campus.

"Y-You can ask me about it once we get outta here first." He blurted while also keeping his voice down low like he was hiding, I was super confused.

"What are you talk-"

He interrupted me, "We n-need to hurry! B-Before they come back!" From the tone Zenitsu-kun had along with the fact that he was stuttering made it seem like he was a bit panicky. Zenitsu-kun also had a tight grip on my hand, holding it firmly as we walked. Though it was comforting, I know he only does that when he's scared or nervous.

The feeling of worry and was balling up inside me, something was definitely wrong yet he refused to tell me, every time I asked he kept saying things like: "I'll tell you once we're far away from the school, I don't want them to find me." All while still stuttering. It was super weird.

Zenitsu-kun did kinda relax eventually which made me feel a little better, he took a deep breath, "O-Okay.......I think we're good now......"

I exploded, bombarding him with a million questions, "Who is 'they'?! What's going on?! Why are we running away?! Why do you-"

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