Secret Admirer

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Request: "Btw, could you also do a chapter where Nezuko gets jealous? That would be so cool. I just wanna see how Nezuko would react if she saw Zenitsu with another girl." ~hilmDeadpool1

Okay! So I've been think about this request for a long time and how to do it. Because as you know, I just did a chapter where Zenitsu was jealous, so I didn't want them to turn out too similar, cuz that would be like reading the same thing but with Nezuko this time.

Taking that into consideration, it took some time to think of a good plot that's different. Along with Thanksgiving, my birthday coming up, and some other things, I was quite busy these past couple weeks. But now I finally finished the chapter!

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! Thank you for being patient :)

I smiled gladly, seeing that Nezuko-chan was enjoying the banana split we were both sharing. Sprinkles, cherries, and everything! "Nezuko-chan, I think you have some chocolate on your face." I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

Nezuko-chan and I were at a restaurant, one that sold desserts as far as the eye could see, a super wide variety. Though this place was quite popular where we live, it was a chill day, not many customers. So, there was only the soft sound of chattering, and the clinking of the silverware and dishes. Nice and relaxing. I sat across from her, giving me even more opportunity to get lost in her beauty and adore her.

Nezuko-chan tilted her head, looking into my eyes. "Really?"

"Haha, yeah." I licked my thumb and wiped it off her cheek, Nezuko-chan blushed a bit.

"Usually you're the one that gets food on your face." She snickered, I felt the tips of my ears heat up.

"N-Not all the time! I-"

"Oh.... My.... Gosh! This can't be happening!" An extremely enthusiastic voice caught our attention.

"Huh?" We both turned around to see a girl practically prance towards us. Or should I

I watched in confusion as she bounced up and down, overflowing with intense excitement. "Ahh! I can't believe I'm talking to you!!" She pointed to me, she was so happy her hand was actually shaking. "You- You- You're Agatsuma-san from Period 5 Language Arts!"

What? It can't be that shocking to see a classmate outside of school. And she's referring to me, no one has ever been this excited to see me.

And plus....

"Who are you?" I scratched my head. "Also you don't have to call me by my last name, you can just say my first."

She gushed, "I sit behind you! I'm also that girl who slipped that note in your locker saying I'm your secret admirer!"

I....have a secret admirer?

And what note?!

Nezuko-chan was very perplexed, sitting there as this awkward conversation went on. "Um, excuse me-"

"You're so cool Agatsuma-san! And talented, so perfect!" The girl smiled brightly, and her eyes seemed to shimmer like a diamond in the sun as she blabbed on about me. She completely ignored Nezuko-chan and only focused on me. "I've been watching you for awhile now!

My eyes widened and I felt this pit of worry grow in my stomach. "You what??"

"No, n-not like that! I-I mean, uhhh, I- ya know...." She trailed off but then suddenly changed to subject. "Anyway, I was sooo nervous to talk to you, but now I'm finally doing it! And it's just- so cool! I really, really like you!"

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now