Firework Festival

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Everyone enjoys a holiday day off of school, I know I sure do. Lucky for us that's what we had today, in our town they were holding a Firework Festival towards nightfall, and me, Nezuko-chan, Tanjirou, Inosuke, Aoi, and Kanao were all going to the beach to get the best view of the fireworks.

Although before we could leave, we had to get ready and pack up the stuff we needed to go to the beach. Because of that, Tanjirou, being the most mature and organized, assigned us all chores to do before we left: He and Kanao were dealing with the cooler/drinks and snacks, Inosuke and Aoi were gathering essential things like a first-aid kit just in case someone got injured, and finally me and Nezuko-chan were on blanket folding duty, we were gonna bring them so all of us could have something to sit on, or just in case it got a bit chilly. While we were folding both of us were just talking and goofing off.

When I do chores like this I like to find a way to make it more fun, so as a way to lighten the mood, I started to hum a song. Though while I was, I was having so much fun, I got so caught up in it I didn't realize I started singing out loud.

Nezuko's POV:

"♪Tsuyoku~ nareru~ ryuu wo shitta~♪"

I instantly stopped what I was doing, for a second I thought someone had turned on music, but I was wrong. The person singing wasn't someone on a radio, it was Zenitsu-kun, he was singing acapella style. I looked over to him and observed his face, he had his eyes closed, like he was 'in the moment' and he seemed super happy, he had this relaxing nature surrounding him, it was so majestic.

He also had an amazing voice, like spectacular! It was so calming, so nice, so soft yet strong at the same time, I'm sure it could put anyone to sleep, his voice was so smooth, I'm pretty positive if he were to sing a slow song for me I'd fall asleep right now. Everything was in perfect pitch, no mistakes whatsoever, it was like he was singing a solo at a concert, it was absolutely flawless! Just listening to him was enough to make my cheeks flare up in a light crimson hue. I just stood there listening as he sang through the first half of the song, I was so mesmerized by him I forgot that staring at people was a bad thing to do, and because of that Zenitsu-kun caught on.

"♪Boku wo~ Tsurete~♪" Zenitsu looked over to me, who was in shock, he got a bit embarrassed and awkwardly stopped singing, "U-Ummm.........♪Susume......♪"

He turned a bit red and turned away, he cleared his throat, "Ahhh, I'm s-sorry! I didn't m-mean to sing out loud......I-I'm sorry if I sounded bad."

"Sounded bad?!" I was in awe, "What are you talking about!? I didn't know you could sing! You have an incredible voice!!"

Zenitsu-kun blushed, "Oh, t-thanks...."

I smiled, "I've never heard you sing before, that was awesome!"

"Yeah........I d-don't usually sing for people." He laughed, "I used to sing to myself when I was bored at my foster home, but my parents didn't like it, let alone me in general, so I stopped." He looked into my eyes and blushed even more, "I'm glad someone like you actually enjoys it!"

"Of course I do!" I crossed my arms, "Those 'parents' of yours are just jerks! They must be crazy! I don't know what they're talking about! I don't understand how anyone could hate such a wonderful voice like that, I could listen to that all day on repeat!!"

Zenitsu-kun flushed a very bright red color, "Ahhhhh~! Nezuko-chan, you really don't have to spoil me with compliments~!"

"But it's true! That song you were singing is called Gurenge, right?"


I nodded, "I've heard it before!" I was still very amazed with his singing, and a part of me wanted to hear it again, it was so nice I didn't want it to end just yet, so I decided to find out a way to make that happen. My face lit up when I got the perfect idea.

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