Word Vomit

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Have you ever heard of those cliche fights that couples have? The ones that start off as a small spark started by something dumb, and slowly turns into a fiery mess? The ones that you see in those basic romance movies? The ones that take a while to recover from, when you have to get your friends to comfort you so you can make up with your significant other?

Well, in all my life I never thought that day would come, the day when Nezuko-chan and I would get into an actual argument. Yeah, we have gotten a bit upset with each other before, like when she occasionally teases me, but that's nothing, that's just us messing around! I never wanted to believe we would fight, screaming insults at each other, both hurt by the things that were said, a fight like that. We fit together like two puzzle pieces that were meant to be, and we both don't have it in ourselves to say something mean.

So when that day came I was in utter disbelief and I'm sure Nezuko-chan was too. But what can I say? We're not perfect, nobody is, we all make mistakes. Thankfully, after the shots were fired and the fight was over, it didn't take too long for us to come back together. But it wasn't exactly what you would call 'sunshine and rainbows' though, in fact it was nothing like that at all! It was very saddening awful, and I remember it went something like this:

Nezuko's POV:

It was Sunday and I was in a cranky mood, I had overworked myself last night staying up studying for an upcoming math test on Tuesday, and now I guess I was paying the price because I was in a bad mood.

I was downstairs in the living room, working on my study guide for math, also while studying it of course. But every time I would make a mistake or mess up a math equation I would get frustrated, more and more as time passed, adding to my heated temper. I really needed a break to brush off my fatigue and take a breather, but I wasn't allowing myself to because I had said to myself that I wasn't going to put my pencil down until I completed my work and understood everything. It was a little too much pressure to put on myself.

I angrily swept my hand across my paper, moving the many eraser shaving off it in an irritated fit.

Why do I keep getting this problem wrong?!

I've been studying for hours on end, so why isn't it paying off?!

Zenitsu's POV:

Today I was feeling a bit gloomy and tired, it didn't help that the atmosphere was contributing to the mood as well. The clouds were shielding us from the bright, happy sun which made it not as light outside, the wind blowing lightly, catching some small leaves in the breeze. It also was a bit colder than the days before, which only made that cold feeling stay inside me. It wasn't like I was truly sad, I guess it was just the energy in the air messing with me, or the fact I was alone in my room just staring up at the ceiling with a haze in my eyes, just drowning in my boredom with nothing to do for the time being.

Maybe Nezuko-chan could help cheer me up.....

Just being around her makes my heart beat with joy.

I sluggishly got up and walked down the stairs, I made my way to the main floor, when I did I could hear groaning and frustrated muttering coming from the living room. I got a bit worried so I went over to where I heard the noise, and what I found was a very upset Nezuko-chan, her face was a bit red and her eyebrows were furrowed, her mouth curved down into a mad frown. Even her body language screaming with her aggravation, I stood there and observed as she snatched her eraser from beside her and harshly rubbed it on the paper, getting rid of what she had just wrote, she was rubbing it so hard, I bet from the intense friction she was making that she'd tare the paper at this point, which would probably make her even more mad.

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