Fun in the Snow

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"Zenitsu-kun are you ready yet?" The door slowly creaked open, I turned around and saw Nezuko-chan peaking into my room from the doorway. We both stood there awkwardly staring at each other in silence, our faces started burning up,

"A-Ah, I'm sorry! I should have kn-knocked first..." She turned away, hiding her red face.

I blushed and quickly pulled my sweater over my head, "Oh, I-It's okay, I'm d-done now a-anyways." I walked over to her and sheepishly grabbed her hand,

"Come on, they're w-waiting for us..." I said as I put on a scarf and some gloves. Both of us still embarrassed, walked outside and met up with Tanjirou and Inosuke.

"All right! Let's get this thing started!!" Inosuke exclaimed, "No teams!! One man for himself!!"

We all got ready and waited for Inosuke to give the signal, he raised his hand in the air,


We all took a deep breath,

"Set...." Before he said go, Inosuke threw a snowball at my face. The cold, wet snow on my skin made me shiver,


I used my sleeve and wiped my face, "You didn't even say go yet! That wasn't fair!!" Inosuke laughed,

"Too bad!!" He picked up a handful of snow, "You better hurry and hide!"

I quickly turned around and ran behind a pile of snow while Inosuke threw more snowballs at me. Why am I the one he always picks on?

I made a couple snowballs and threw them back at Inosuke while he wasn't looking,

"Hey! That's cheating!!"

I scoffed, "No it's not!! You're just salty because I managed to hit you!" Inosuke got frustrated and grabbed a snowball to throw back at me, but before he could Tanjirou snuck behind him and threw one at the back of his head. I pointed my finger at him and laughed,

"HAHA!! That's what you get-" I started to say but was stopped by a snowball that hit me in the back, I turned around and saw that it was Nezuko-chan, she giggled and ran away. I stood up and chased after her,

"Oh no, you're not gonna get away!" I grabbed a handful of snow and prepared to throw it at her. However, when I tried to throw it I tripped, I ended up grabbing Nezuko-chan's ankle which brought her down with me.


Both of us laid face first in the fluffy snow. We sluggishly sat up, looked at each other and laughed. I made a snowball and threw it at her,

"There! That was payback!"

She tossed one back at me that hit me in the face, I fell backwards into the snow. Nezuko-chan giggled,

"Oops! Sorry!" She laid down in the snow next me, I turned my head to look at her with rosy cheeks and chuckled, we both laid there looking at each other as snow flurries floated down from the sky and landed on our faces. She started laughing and so did I, but suddenly a dark shadow covered us. I looked up and saw Inosuke and Tanjirou standing over us holding a mountain of snow in their arms. Our joyful mood faded away into fear,

Tanjirou sighed, "Sorry in advance, I was forced to do this..."

"Don't be sorry you spineless fool!!" Inosuke snapped, he looked down at us with a devilish grin, "This is revenge."

"W-Wait a minute! What are you-" I was interrupted by them when they dropped the huge pile of snow on us,



The snowball fight had to come to an end because we all got too cold, so we decided to enjoy the cookies and cupcakes that were fresh out of the oven with hot chocolate to go with it. The treats turned out really good and surprisingly everyone liked the cookies I had made!

"It's still cold in here, I'm gonna go get blankets. Does anyone else want some?" Tanjirou offered as he stood up,

"Yes please!" We all said, Tanjirou nodded his head and walked off. Nezuko-chan stood up and went over to were the treats were,

"Oh, it looks like only one cupcake is left." Hearing this, Inosuke jumped and ran to grab it,

''I call this one!!"

I jumped up too, "You had like four of them already!!" I yelled, "I only had one! That one is mine!!"

Inosuke glared at me, "AND SO WHAT IF I HAD FOUR?! I CALLED THIS ONE!!" He pushed me out of the way which made me bump into Nezuko-chan, Inosuke grabbed the last cupcake and took a huge bite, getting frosting all over his face. He looked back at us and his eyes widened,

"Oh. My. Gosh. I didn't mean to do that...." His shock turned into a smirk, "Haha....I can't believe this is happening!"

I turned to face him, "What is it?? What's so funny?"

Inosuke kept laughing and didn't say anything, he just pointed above us. I looked up and my face went pale. Nezuko-chan and I were standing underneath a mistletoe.  

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