Itty-Bitty Infant Time

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Hey! It's the start of winter break for me, what perfect timing~ I've got a cute chapter for you guys, along with some art of course! Stick around to see a 'comic' I made at the end (it's my fav so far)

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Hey! It's the start of winter break for me, what perfect timing~ I've got a cute chapter for you guys, along with some art of course! Stick around to see a 'comic' I made at the end (it's my fav so far).

Request: "Could you make a chapter where Zenitsu and Nezuko babysit a child from someone?" ~mabuchiswife

Anddd I took another mini request from Crystalz_Fnf about Zenitsu accidentally tripping and kissing Nezuko. Along with that there was a another one way back talking about some Obamitsu, sadly I couldn't find who sent it

Quick sidenote about the Obamitsu, I don't know their dynamic as well as Zennezu (that's why I kinda avoided it until now) so just a heads up if it isn't as canon as you think it should be lol

Anyways~ Thanks for waiting so long! <3

Nezuko's POV:

As the snow gracefully floated down from the cotton-candy clouds, I sat curled up in a blanket-- the fireplace was glowing, the orange-y red flickers flying up into the air, the sparks crackling as they fizzled out. My comforting cup of hot chocolate warmed my hands and heart as I took a sip, letting the flavors harmonize in my mouth.

Aah....What a lovely start to Winter Break.....

"Aaaaghh!!" But the peace was interrupted by an anguish-filled cry from a familiar whiney voice.

Confused, I arched an eyebrow, taking another drink of cocoa sugary goodness while I listened to the incoming footsteps.

"What am I gonna do?? What can I do?? I'm SO gonna fail this assignment!!" Zenitsu-kun sluggishly dragged his feet into the living room, hanging his head with shame.

I squinted, worried. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, Nezuko-chaann!" Zenitsu-kun finally noticed I was there and all his attention was now on me. He swiftly came over to me and plopped onto the couch, even squirming into my blanket to huddle against my body in a toasty embrace. He complained. "I'm totally loosst! I have a health assignment, and the unit is about reproduction. I need to create or do something educational involving the things we learned as a project."

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now