The Beginning

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Chu! Chu! Chu! I was woken up by my sparrow friend Chuntaro pecking my cheek, telling me to get out of bed. It was Monday, the day I had my first day of Sophomore Year in Kimetsu High School. Of course I was a little bit nervous like usual but that didn't matter right now. "Yeah, Yeah I know. I'm getting up now." I groggily mumbled to Chuntaro as I stretched and got out of bed. I've never really liked school so I wasn't that excited to go back,

At least I'll get to see Tanjirou and Inosuke again. I thought as I fixed my messy hair in the mirror.

And just like that I was off to school, This is gonna be a boring year yet again. I sighed quietly to myself, but little did I know this was gonna be one hell of a year.


I made it to the school gate and pulled out my clipboard to begin the dreaded Dress Code Check I had been assigned by Tomioka-sensei. I've always hated this job and I have tried to quit many times but Tomioka-sensei won't let me, he says it's punishment for breaking the dress code because I have bright blond hair that fades to orange at the tips. It's not my fault I was struck with lightning when I was a kid though! Well at least I get to look at all the cute girls' uniforms. I thought as I wrote things down on my clipboard. Speaking of 'girls', just then I noticed a familiar face, a very feminine face with long eyelashes and emerald green eyes. It was Inosuke, my crazy boar friend. As soon as I saw his face I immediately braced myself for his chaotic energy.

"Well, would you look at who it is?" Inosuke said as he jabbed me in the arm.

"The weird blond crybaby with his clipboard! Like seriously dude why do you still have that job? We all know you wanna quit."

I wasn't in the mood for his nonsense today, I didn't need him teasing me this early in the morning!

"Jeez, give me a break! You're the weird one! You never even wear shoes!!" I scoffed back.

"Says the one who cries about every two hours!"

Great. An argument. The thing I didn't want to happen.

"OH FOR CRYING OUT LOU-" I yelled but was interrupted by someone.

"Please don't tell me you two are fighting already."

I turned around and saw that it was Tanjirou. He looked very disappointed with us.

"Come on now, it's the first day of school!"

I let out a long tired sigh. "....No we're not fighting."

At that moment, Inosuke noticed that Tanjirou was standing right behind us.

"Well it wasn't my fault Kentarou! It was Monitsu."

I decided that I was done with all this craziness coming from him, so I just gave up.

"You know what, just forget it." I groaned. "I don't care anymore."

Tanjirou looked back at us with a delighted face, He was glad to hear that we weren't bickering anymore. He grinned and exclaimed,

"Good! Because now is not the time for that! I have someone to introduce you to!"

Just as he said that I saw a petite girl walk out from behind Tanjirou.

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