Scared Together

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We both looked at each other and realized we were sitting really close and scooted away. "N-No nothing is happening! I s-swear!!" I insisted.

Nezuko joined in,

"Y-Yeah! Nothing was going on!"

Inosuke squinted his eyes and looked at us with disbelief,

"Yeah right...sure."

Thankfully Tanjirou walked in and broke the awkward tension between all three of us. He came back with a huge bowl of popcorn, candy, and lots of drinks. "Okay! Inosuke you can put in the first movie!!" I let out a big sigh. We all got changed into matching pajamas that The Butterfly Estate had. Finally!! Now I can relax! I thought to myself.

Unfortunately that's not what happened.

"Why did you choose only scary movies??" I screeched,

"And why is this one about creepy spiders with human heads?! I'm g-gonna cry!"

Tanjirou tried to comfort me but it didn't work, Inosuke just laughed.

"Sekitsu, horror movies are the best movies! You're just a wussy!!" He said to me while he shoved handfuls of popcorn into his mouth.

I gave him a death stare and continued to hide behind my pillow, then all of a sudden the room got quiet and the TV went black. I held my breath, the tension in the room was unbearable!! We all stared intensely at the TV except for me who was shivering while looking at the terrifying film through my hands that were covering my face. Then out of nowhere a huge spider popped up and jumpscared us!! Popcorn went flying.

"GYAAAHH!!!" We all screamed, but I screamed the loudest. I was so startled I grabbed the nearest thing and hugged it really tight and sobbed.

".....U-Ummm" I heard someone whisper

I looked up and quickly let go, I was hugging Nezuko-chan's arm.

"Ah! I'm s-sorry." I wiped my tears and looked away. "I got scared...."

Nezuko-chan looked at me and shyly grabbed my arm. "I-It's okay." she avoided eye contact, "I'm scared lets be scared together. I-I mean only if you want to."

I felt her give my arm a squeeze, My eyes widened when I noticed she was even shivering a little.

"Ok-Okay." I comforted her as I slowly wrapped my arm around her trembling body. She was so close to me I could feel her heartbeat! Her body was radiating with warmth, I took a deep breath and inhaled her scent, it was sweet just like her personality. The fuzzy feeling in my chest rose to my cheeks in a red hue. I hugged her tighter. Maybe this sleepover wasn't that bad afterall.

I took my eyes off the TV and stole a glance at her and to my surprise she looked back at me, I observed her face, her beautiful pink eyes, glossy lips, and cheeks that were tinted a crimson color. My nervousness slowly melted away from inside me. I usually would be super nervous to be this close to a girl but in this moment I just feel safe and warm. We sat like this the entire time and whenever there was a jumpscare she would hug me tighter and so would I.

I don't think I have ever fallen this deep for a girl.

Soon enough the night grew dark and we all drifted off to sleep, well except for me. I laid awake thinking about all the events that had taken place. I could still hear her heartbeat along with her breathing thanks to my good ears. The gentle sound soothed my nerves and allowed me to relax. I held my hands up to my chest and blushed. Man, she is so pretty. I thought to myself as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now